[1]李 妮,佘菲菲.幽门螺杆菌功能性oipA基因的检测及意义[J].现代检验医学杂志,2015,30(01):42-45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.01.012]
 LI Ni,SHE Fei-fei.Detection of Helicobacter Pylori Functional OipA Gene and Its Significance[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2015,30(01):42-45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.01.012]





Detection of Helicobacter Pylori Functional OipA Gene and Its Significance
李 妮1佘菲菲2
1.西安医学院医学技术系,西安 710021;
2.福建医科大学病原生物学系,福州 350004
LI Ni1SHE Fei-fei2
1.Department of Engineery,Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an 710021,China;
2.Department o f Pathogenic Biology,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350004,China
幽门螺杆菌 功能性oipA cagA 消化性疾病
R378.2; Q786
目的 评价幽门螺杆菌(Hp)oipA与消化系统疾病的关系。方法 收集活检胃组织标本360份,对组织快速尿素酶实验阳性和部分阴性的活检标本进行Hp分离培养,分离菌经革兰氏染色镜检、尿素酶实验和16SrRNA PCR鉴定后,PCR扩增其oipA和cagA基因,测序分析oipA信号区的开关状态,分析功能性oipA与临床疾病之间的关联性。结果 组织标本分离培养获得106株Hp,其中72株cagA基因阳性,87株oipA信号区基因阳性,经测序分析80株oipA基因信号区呈开放状态,1株oipA基因信号区呈关闭状态,6株开关状态不能确定; 在溃疡和萎缩性胃炎中,功能性oipA的检出率均显著高于cagA。结论 功能性oipA与严重消化系统疾病关系密切。
Objective To evaluate the relationship betweenfunctional oipA gene of Helicobacter pylori and digestive disease.Methods Biopsy gastric mucosa were obtained from 360 patients whowould get gastroscopy.Hp were isolated from urease positive samples and partlyurease negative samples,and improved by microscope,urease experiment and 16SrRNA PCR.OipA and cagA of the isolates were obtained by PCR and the statas of oipA signal region were analysised after sequencing.Analyze the relevance betweenfunctional oipA gene of Helicobacter pylori and digestive disease.Results 106 isolated Hp were obtained,in which 72 strains with cagA gene positive,87 with oipA signal region gene positive(80 the statas of signal region was on and 1 was off; 6 could not be decided).The frequency of functional oipA were both significantly higher than cagA in ulcer and atrophic gastritis.Conclusion The relationship between functional oipAgene and digestive disease was more closer than that of cagA.


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作者简介:李 妮(1979-),女,硕士,讲师,研究方向:微生物学检验,Tel:13659217384,E-mail:274835616@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-01-30