[1]王文倩,王 宇,徐玉东,等.利用实时细胞分析系统检测人和大鼠气道平滑肌细胞倍增时间的研究[J].现代检验医学杂志,2015,30(03):28-31.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.03.008]
 WANG Wen-qian,WANG Yu,XU Yu-dong,et al.Research on Detecting Doubling Time of Human and Rat Airway Smooth Muscle Cells with A Real Time Cellular Analyzer[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2015,30(03):28-31.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.03.008]





Research on Detecting Doubling Time of Human and Rat Airway Smooth Muscle Cells with A Real Time Cellular Analyzer
王文倩王 宇徐玉东杨永清尹磊淼
上海中医药大学,上海 201203
WANG Wen-qianWANG YuXU Yu-dongYANG Yong-qingYIN Lei-miao
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China
倍增时间 气道平滑肌细胞 细胞实时分析
目的 利用xCELLigence实时细胞检测系统快速有效检测人和大鼠气道平滑肌细胞的倍增时间。方法 将用胶原酶-胰酶消化法分离获得并用免疫荧光鉴定的大鼠气道平滑肌细胞以及购买获得的人类气道平滑肌细胞,按照3 000个/孔的密度种植于xCELLigence检测系统布满芯片的E-plate培养板内,记录增殖情况100 h后,用RTCA Software Package 2.0软件计算细胞倍增时间。结果利用xCELLigence实时细胞检测系统获得人气道平滑肌细胞的倍增时间为23.96±0.47 h,与文献资料提供的数据一致,大鼠气道平滑肌细胞的倍增时间为18.62±0.15h,计算过程简单省时。结论 细胞实时分析系统可以有效便捷检测贴壁细胞的倍增时间,为以气道平滑肌细胞为主要研究对象的呼吸疾病基础研究提供实验参考数据和方法。
Objective To detect the doubling time of airwaysmooth muscle cells of human and rat by the xCELLigence instrument,a real timecellular analyzer.Methods The airway smooth muscle cells were separated by collagenase-pancreatin digestion from the rat airway.Then,added to the different holes of E-plate of xCELLigence instrument with the planting destiny of 3 000 cells/well.and so were the human airway smooth muscle cells.The E-plate was then placed on the xCELLigence instrument to monitor cellproliferation for 100 hours to calculate the doubling time by using the RTCA Software Package 2.0 software.Results The doubling time of human airway smooth muscle cell calculated by the real time cellular analyzerwas 23.96±0.47 h,which was consistent with the data provided by the reference.The doubling time of rat airway smooth muscle cell was 18.62±0.15 h,and the computational process was simple,time-saving and also effective.Conclusion The xCELLigence instrument can be used to calculate doublingtime of airway smooth muscle cells of human and rat,which provides experimentalmethods and reference data for the basic respiratory disease research.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(8117334; 81173332; 81473760); 上海市卫生系统优秀青年人才培养计划(XYQ2013081); 上海市中医药事业发展三年行动计划重大研究项目(ZYSNXD-CC-ZDYJ039)。
通讯作者:杨永清,E-mail: yyq@shutcm.edu.cn; 尹磊淼,E-mail:collegeylm@shutcm.edu.cn。
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-06-10