 WU Xiao-kang,MA Chao-feng,YU Peng-bo,et al.Analysis of Intestinal Microbiota of Type 2 Diabetes Patients of by Two Fingerprint Technologies[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2015,30(04):24-27.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.04.006]





Analysis of Intestinal Microbiota of Type 2 Diabetes Patients of by Two Fingerprint Technologies
吴晓康1马超峰2余鹏博3韩 蕾4尹佳锋1张 妮1李妙羡1王香玲1徐纪茹4
1.西安交通大学第二附属医院检验科,西安 710004;
2.西安市疾病预防控制中心,西安 710054;
3.陕西省疾病预防控制中心,西安 710054;
4.西安交通大学基础医学院免疫与病原生物学,西安 710061
WU Xiao-kang1MA Chao-feng2YU Peng-bo3HANLei4YIN Jia-feng1 ZHANG Ni1LI Miao-xian1WANG Xiang-ling1XU Ji-ru4
1.Department of Clinical Laboratory, the Second Affiliated Hospital,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710004,China;
2.Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Xi'an,Xi'an 710054,China;
3.Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Xi'an 710054
2型糖尿病 肠道菌群 分子指纹图谱 重复共有序列 变性梯度凝胶电泳
R587.1; Q503
目的 利用重复共有序列(ERIC)和变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)两种分子指纹图谱技术对2型糖尿病患者肠道菌群结构特征分析,探讨2型糖尿病与肠道菌群的相关性及对两种方法的评价。方法 收集8例健康人和7例2型糖尿病患者粪便样本,提取粪便菌群总DNA,采用ERIC-PCR和DGGE-PCR分子指纹图谱技术对两组人群肠道菌群结构分析,比较其多样性、相似性等生态学特征。结果 与健康对照组比较,2型糖尿病患者肠道菌群图谱条带和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数降低,但无统计学意义; 组内相似性降低差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),菌群结构发生变化; 两种指纹图谱技术均能直观反映肠道菌群结构特征,ERIC方法简便,反映菌群多样性良好,但是实验影响因素较多,不可切胶测序; DGGE能较好反映菌群多样性、相似性等生态学特征,而且可选择条带切胶测序。结论 2型糖尿病患者肠道菌群组成结构发生改变,糖尿病的发生与肠道菌群有一定相关性; ERIC和DGGE是研究肠道菌群分辨效率高、重复性好的指纹图谱技术,DGGE并可进行切胶测序比对鉴定细菌,二者可结合使用。
Objective To explore the characteristics of intestinal Microbiota in T2DM patients by two molecular fingerprint technologies,and investigate the correlation of intestinal microbiota and T2DM,and evaluate the application value of two fingerprint technologies.Methods Fecal samples of 8 healthy groups and 7 diabetes patients were collected.Then the total DNA of gut microbiota was extracted.Throughthe analysis of products by two molecular fingerprints of ERIC-PCR and DGGE-PCR,ecological characteristics of diversity and similarity of gut microbiota were obtained in healthy groups and diabetes patients.Results Compared to healthy groups,the number of bands and Shannon-Wiener index ofgut microbiota in diabetes patients was decreased but no statistical significance.The similarity in patients group was declining(P<0.05),and the construction of gut microbiota was inclined to differ.Two fingerprint technologies ofERIC and DGGE could directly reflect the diversity of gut microbiota and were the modern molecular biological techniques without depending on cultivation.ERICwas simple and convenient,had a better reflection of microbial diversity,but gel band cutting and regarded asa proper approach with higher diffraction efficiency and excellent repetition to studysequencing couldn't be performed since there were more influencing factors on the experiment.DGGE could better reflect the ecological characteristics such as microbial diversity and similarity,and selecting bands,gel band cutting and sequencing could be done.Conclusion The composition and construction of gut microbiota in diabetes patients were changed,which suggests the occurrence of the disease had the correlation with gut microbiota.ERIC and DGGE is regarded as a proper approach withhigher diffraction efficiency and excellent repetition to study intestinal microbiota,but also gel band cutting,sequencing,bacteria identification can be performed by DGGE,both can be used in combination.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助,项目批准号:No.81200583; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(xjj2015151)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-08-10