 SHI Rui-jie,LIU Wen-kang,LI Ling,et al.Analysis of TORCH Infection and Its Characteristic in Pregnant Women in Xi'an Area[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2016,31(06):23-27.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2016.06.007]





Analysis of TORCH Infection and Its Characteristic in Pregnant Women in Xi'an Area
陕西省人民医院检验科,西安 710068
SHI Rui-jieLIU Wen-kangLI LingBAI Guo-yanYANG QianWU Ling-zhiYAN Fu-tang
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital,Xi'an 710068,China
妊娠期妇女 TORCH 感染特点
R37; R715
目的 探讨西安地区妊娠期妇女TORCH感染特点。方法 利用酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测2014~2015年10 373例妊娠期妇女血清中抗弓形虫(toxoplasma gondii,TOX)抗体IgM/IgG、抗风疹病毒(rubella virus,RV)IgM/IgG、抗巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus,CMV)抗体IgM/IgG、抗单纯疱疹病毒II型(herpes simplex virus II type,HSV-II)抗体IgM/IgG。结果 在10 373例受检者中TOX-IgM,RV-IgM,CMV-IgM和HSV-II-IgM的阳性率分别为0.02%(2/10 373),0.07%(7/10 373),0.27%(28/10 373)和0.01%(1/10 373),TOX-IgG,RV-IgG,CMV-IgG和HSV-II-IgG的阳性率分别为3.81%(395/10 373),90.63%(9 401/10 373),93.70%(9 719/10 373)和4.92%(510/10 373),未感染这四种病原体的占0.64%(66/10 373); 2014年36~40岁受检者血清中HSV-II-IgG阳性率最高(χ2=57.16,P=0.000),而TOX-IgG,RV-IgG和CMV-IgG阳性率在各年龄段之间差异无统计学显著性意义(P>0.05); 2015年16~20岁受检者血清中TOX-IgG,RV-IgG和41~45岁受检者血清中HSV-II-IgG阳性率最高(χ2=18.0331.94,P=0.000),而CMV-IgG阳性率在受检者各年龄段之间差异无统计学显著性意义(P>0.05); 2014年21~25岁受检者中TOX-IgG和21~40岁RV-IgG阳性率均明显高于2015年同年龄组受检者(χ2=6.91813.857,P=0.000~0.025),2014年21~30岁受检者中CMV-IgG阳性率和HSV-II-IgG阳性率均明显低于2015年(χ2=4.23513.267,P=0.000~0.04)。结论 西安地区妊娠期妇女TORCH感染尚处于低水平,RV和CMV为主要感染病原体,各年度和不同年龄段妊娠期妇女感染有所差异,该研究为TORCH的流行病学以及防治提供实验资料和依据。
Objective To explore the characteristic of TORCH infection in pregnant women in Xi'an area.Methods Toxoplasma gondii(TOX)-IgM/IgG,rubella virus(RV)-IgM/IgG,cytomegalovirus(CMV)-IgM/IgG and herpes simplex virus II type(HSV-II)-IgM/IgG were detected inserum of 10 373 pregnant women during 2014~2015 with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).Results The positive rates of TOX-IgM,RV-IgM,CMV-IgM and HSV-II-IgM were 0.02%(2/10 373),0.07%(7/10 373),0.27%(28/10 373)and 0.01%(1/10 373),respectively and those of TOX-IgG,RV-IgG,CMV-IgG and HSV-II-IgG were 3.81%(395/10 373),90.63%(9 401/10 373),93.70%(9 719/10 373)and 4.92%(510/10 373),respectively.There was 0.64 percent(66/10 373)of examinees who were infected by none of TORCH pathogen.The positive rate of HSV-II-IgG in examinees 36~40 years old was highest among all age groups(χ2=57.16,P=0.000),but there was no significant difference for positive rates of TOX-IgG,RV-IgG and CMV-IgG in all age groups(P>0.05).The highest rates of TOX-IgG and RV-IgG in 16~20 age group,HSV-II-IgG in 41~45 age group were detected(χ2=18.0331.94,P=0.000),but there was no statistically difference for CMV-IgG in all age groups(P>0.05).The positive rates of TOX-IgG in examinees in 21~25 age group and RV-IgG in those in 21~40 age group in2014 were significantly higher than those in 2015(χ2=6.91813.857,P=0.000~0.025),but those of CMV-IgG and HSV-II-IgG in 21~30 age group in2014 were less than those in 2015(χ2=4.23513.267,P=0.000~0.04).Conclusion RV and CMV were primary pathogens in TORCH infection for pregnant women in Xi'an area and there were variances of TORCH infection characteristic in different years and age groups,which provided experimental data and basis for epidemiology and prevention of TORCH.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO.81272856)。 作者简介:施瑞洁(1971-),女,本科,主管检验技师,研究方向免疫学检验技术,Tel:13772029196。 通讯作者:闫福堂(1964-),男,本科,主任检验技师,研究方向免疫学检验技术,Tel: 18710351836。
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-12-20