[1]李腾达a,司 宇a,刘 鹏a,等.Gas6在免疫性血小板减少症患者中表达增高及临床意义[J].现代检验医学杂志,2017,32(03):37-39.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2017.03.010]
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Increased Expression of Gas6 in Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia and Its Clinical Significance
1671-7 414(2017)03-037-03
李腾达1a司 宇1a刘 鹏1a徐贵霞 1a谷明莉1b叶 辛2张薇薇1b黄元兰3钱 琤4邓安梅 1a
1.长海医院 a.临床实验中心;
b.检验科,上海 200433;
2.复旦大 学,上海 200433;
3.解放军455医院,上海 200052;
4.解放军100医院,江苏苏州 215007
LI Teng-da1aSI Yu1aLIU Peng1aX U Gui-xia1aGU Ming-li1bYE Xin2 ZHANG Wei-wei1bHUANG Yuan-lan3QIAN Cheng4DENG An-mei 1a
1a.Clinical Experiment Center;
1b.Department of Labora tory Diagnosis,Changhai Hospital, Shanghai 200433,China;
2.Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;
3.No .455 Hospital of PLA,Shanghai 200052,China;
4.No.100 Hospital of PLA,Jiangsu Suz
免疫性血小板减少症生长捕获特异性蛋白6白细胞介素-4 干扰素-γ白细胞介素-17
目的 探究Gas6在免疫性血小板减少症(ITP)患者中的表达 情况及其临床意义。方法 以2013年10月~2015年12月于上海长海医 院血液科确诊的35例ITP患者外周血作为实验组,以同期体检的35例健康个体外周血作为对 照组,两组样本分离血浆后以酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测Gas6,IFN-α,IL-4,IFN-γ 和IL-17蛋白表达水平,组间比较采用两独立样本t检验,对Gas6与IFN-α等细胞因子 的关系进行Pearson相关性分析。结果 Gas6在实验组与对照组的表 达水平为27.28±7.56 ng/ml vs 20.51±5.39 ng/ml(t=4.314,P<0.0001);IFN -γ在实验组与对照组的表达水平为221.67±57.64 pg/ml vs 45.32±16.79 pg/ml( t=17.38,P<0.000 1);IL-4在实验组与对照组的表达水平为113.86±26.48 pg/m l vs 49.87±14.98 pg/ml(t=12.44,P<0.000 1);IL-17在实验组与对照组的表 达水平为168.96±47.88 pg/ml vs 109.56±28.97 pg/ml(t=6.28,P<0.000 1) ;IFN-α在实验组与对照组的表达水平为34.83±8.12 pg/ml vs 29.89±5.76 pg/ml (t=2.936,P=0.004 5),差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析 显示Gas6与IL-17,IL-4,IFN-γ呈正相关(r=0.564,0.486,0.449,P均<0.0 5),差异具有统计学意义,与IFN-α不具有相关性。结论 Gas6可 能通过影响Th细胞亚群细胞因子的分泌参与了ITP致病过程,是临床上治疗和预测该病的潜 在靶位点。
Objective To investigate the expression level o f Gas6 in patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) and its clinical significa nce.Methods The experimental group was peripheral blood samples collected from 35 cases diagnosed with ITP in hematology department of C hanghai Hospital in Shanghai from October 2013 to December 2015.Control group w as peripheral blood from 35 healthy examined individuals at the same time.After separating plasm from the two group samples,the protein level of Gas6,IFN-α ,IL-4,IFN-γ and IL-17 were measured by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),comparison of expressional level of the two groups was measured by t test.Pearson correlation analysis was used to decide the relation between Ga s6 and cytokines such as IFN-α.Results The expression level of Gas6 in experimental and control groups was 27.28±7.56 ng/ml vs 20. 51±5.39 ng/ml (t=4.314,P<0.000 1);IFN-γ was 221.67±57.64 pg/ml vs 45.32±16.79 pg/ml (t=17.38,P<0.000 1);IL-4 was 113.86±26.48 pg/m l vs 49.87±14.98 pg/ml (t=12.44,P<0.000 1);IL-17 was 168.96±47.88 pg/ml vs 109.56±28.97 pg/ml (t=6.28,P<0.000 1);IFN-α was 34.83±8 .12 pg/ml vs 29.89±5.76 pg/ml (t=2.936,P=0.004 5),all with statistic al differences (P<0.05).Pearson analysis showed that Gas6 was positively r elated with IL-17,IL-4,IFN-γ (r=0.564,0.486,0.449,P<0.05) and t here was difference statistically,but Gas6 was not correlated with IFN-α.〖W T5”HZ〗Conclusion Gas6 may participate in the disease formation of ITP through affection on cytokines secreted by Th cell subsets,and it was the potential therapeutic and predicted target for this disease clinically.


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基金 项目:973计划(2013CB531606),国家自然科学基金(81671556,81601406 ,81471605,81401358,81501397,31500721,81501398,81302579,81273282,81202353 ),上海申康基金(SHDC22014014),上海教育科学基金(D14017),军队科研基金(BWS14J023 ,15ZD009,15XD007),美捷登基金(MJR20150019)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-25