 HAO Ting-ting,WEN Yan-li,DAI Guang-rong,et al.Research on Relationship of Serum Urea Nitrogen Level and Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2017,32(03):86-88,91.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2017.03.023]





Research on Relationship of Serum Urea Nitrogen Level and Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
1671- 7414(2017)03-086-04
郝婷婷1温彦丽1戴光荣1冯义朝1张 莉2 李 华2马晓鹏1
1.延安大学附属医院消化内科, 陕西延安 716000;
2.西安交通大学第二附属医院消化科,西安 710000
HAO Ting-ting1WEN Yan-li1DAI Guang-rong1 FENG Yi-chao1 ZHANG Li2 LI Hua2MA Xiao-peng1
1.Department of Gastroenterology, Yanan University Affiliated Hospital,Shaaxi Yanan,716000,China;
2.Department of Gastro enterology, Affiliated the Second Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an,710 000,China
目的 探讨上消化道疾病患者血液中尿素氮(BUN)水平高低 与上消化道出血的关系。方法 选择2012年1月~2015年1月上消化道 疾病的116例患者为研究对象,根据血液中尿素氮水平将患者分成高BUN组和低BUN组,其中 高BUN组患者76例,低BUN组患者40例,比较两组患者生化指标,并进行单因素logistic回归 分析,并比较两组患者的消化道出血forrest分级与疾病严重程度的情况。结果 高BUN组患者血清白细胞计数、尿素氮、肌酐以及糖化血红蛋白水平[(9 593 ±5 012)×102/μl,368.1±162.3 mg/L,11.2±3.7 mg/L和6.38%±1.08%]显著 高于低BUN组患者[(6 804±2 087)×102/μl,121.0±39.3 mg/L,8.1±3.2 mg/ L和5.51%±0.42%;t=3.645~12.659,P均<0.05)],高BUN组患者血红蛋白水平 (87.3±35.1 g/L)显著低于低BUN组患者(108.0±31.2 g/L;t=3.252,P=0.032) ;logistic回归分析显示两组患者血红蛋白及糖化血红蛋白水平存在显著差异(P<0.0 5),表明血红蛋白及糖化血红蛋白与BUN相关性最大;两组患者消化道出血forrest分级数据 比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);高BUN组患者胃溃疡比例显著高于低BUN组患者( χ2=39.655,P=0.000)。结论 血清尿素氮高表达的患者 上消化道出血更为严重,值得临床诊断过程中加以关注。
Objective To examine characteristics of patient s with blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels higher and lower than the normal limit. Methods During January 2012 to January 2015,116 patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases were selected to study,according to the p atient’s blood urea nitrogen level,all the patients were divided into high BUN group and low BUN group,and there were 76 patients in the high BUN group,and 40 patients in low BUN group,compared the biochemical indices,gastrointestinal bleeding forrest grading and disease severity of the two groups,and univariate logistic regression analysis.Results The serum white bl ood cell count,blood urea nitrogen,creatinine and glycated hemoglobin levels i n patients of high BUN group [(9 593±5 012)×102/μl,368.1±162.3 mg/L ,11.2±3.7 mg/L and 6.38±1.08%] were significantly higher than that of lo w BUN patients [(6 804±2 087)×102/μl,121.0±39.3 mg/L,8.1±3.2 mg/ L and 5.51±0.42%](t=3.645~12.659,all P<0.05),and the hemoglob in levels (87.3±35.1 g/L) of the patients in high BUN group was significantly lower than that of the low BUN patients (108.0±31.2 g/L) (t=3.252,P=0 .032).Logistic regression analysis showed the presence of hemoglobin and glyco sylated hemoglobin levelst of wo groups of patients was significantly different (P<0.05),and showed that showed the highest correlation with BUN.Gastroin testinal bleeding forrest hierarchical data of the two groups of patients showed no significant difference (P>0.05).The proportion of patients with gastri c ulcers of high BUN patients was significantly higher than that of the low BUN patients (χ2=39.655,P=0.000).Conclusion Patien ts with high expression of serum urea nitrogen had more severe upper gastrointes tinal bleeding,and it is worthy of attention in the process of clinical diagnos tic.


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基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2012JQ4016)及西安交通大学基本科研业务费(Xjj201207 2)资助。
作者简介:郝婷婷(1982-),女,本科,研究方向: 肝脏相关疾病的诊治,E-mail:haoqinqin1982@126.com。
通讯作者:马晓鹏(1981-),男,本科,主治医师,E-mail:ht -1951@sohu.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-25