 HUANG Yu-jun,WU Shao-guo,QIU Yuan-yuan,et al.Investigation of the Normal Reference Range for Serum Folate of Healthy Children in Guangzhou Region[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2017,32(04):125-129,132.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2017.04.036]





Investigation of the Normal Reference Range for Serum Folate of Healthy Children in Guangzhou Region
1.广州市儿童医院检验科,广州 510120; 2.广州市第十二人民医院检验科,广州 510620; 3.广州市妇婴医院检验科,广州 510120; 4.广州市妇女儿童医疗中心珠江新城院区a.检验科; b.临床营养科,广州 510000; 5.天津市兰标电子科技发展有限公司,天津 300000
HUANG Yu-jun1WU Shao-guo2QIU Yuan-yuan3 CAI Min-min4aCHEN Hui-min4bLI Yan-you5
1.Department of Laboratory Medicine,Guangzhou Children's Hospital,Guangzhou 510120,China; 2.Department of Laboratory Medicine,Guangzhou Twelfth People's Hospital,Guangzhou 510620, China; 3.Department of Laboratory Medicine,Guangzhou Maternity Health Care Center, Guangzhou 510120,China; 4a.Department of Laboratory Medicine; 4b.Department of Clinical Nutrition,Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center,Zhujiang New Town Hospital,Guangzhou 510000,China; 6.Lanbiao Science and Technology Ltd,Tianjin 300000,China
参考区间 叶酸 血清 广州 儿童
目的 建立广州地区健康儿童血清叶酸的参考区间。方法 应用LK3000V维生素检测仪对广州地区1 860名健康儿童(男性1 061例,女性799例)和129例成年人(男性52例,女性77例)的血清叶酸进行检测,对结果进行统计分析。结果 ①11岁以内的11个年龄组、11~17岁和成人组血清叶酸水平均无性别差异(P>0.05)。②血清叶酸水平(中位数(P2.5,P97.5)0~1岁(含1岁,下同)组、1~17岁组、成人组分别为9.39(6.12,14.85)nmol/L,,10.65(6.05,16.52)nmol/L和11.12(6.3,17.51)nmol/L,两两比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。③年龄与血清叶酸水平无明显相关性(r=0.039,P=0.09)。结论 广州地区正常儿童血清叶酸水平的参考区间为1岁以内(含1岁)为6.12~14.85 nmol/L,1岁~17岁为6.05~16.52 nmol/L。
Objective To establish the normal reference range for serum folate of healthy children in Guangzhou region.MethodsLevels of serum folate of 1 860 healthy children(1 061 males and 799 females)and 129 adults(52 males and 77 females)living in Guangzhou regionwere examined by LK3000V Vitamin Analyzer.Then the data were analyzed with statistical methods.Results ①There was no statistical difference between boys and girls for levels of serum folate in every group defined by age(P>0.05).②The levels of serum folate [median(P2.5,P97.5)] defined by age were as follows:9.39(6.12,14.85)nmol/L for 0~1 year-old group,10.65(6.05,16.52)nmol/L for 1.01~17 year-old group and 11.12(6.3,17.51)nmol/L for the adult group.Statistical difference was foundbetween any two groups of the three(P<0.05).③No statistical correlationwas found between age and the level of serum folate(r=0.039,P=0.09).Conclusion Reference range for serum folate for healthy children in Guangzhou region include two parts:6.12~14.85 nmol/L for 0~1 year-old group and 6.05~16.52 nmol/L for 1.01~17 year-old group.


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基金项目:A2016531。 作者简介:黄钰君(1978-),女,硕士,临床医学检验副主任技师,主要从事儿童血液学检验工作,Tel:13662514487,E-mail:korakorakora@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01