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Identification of Respiratory Syncytial Virus A and B SubtypesbyTube Double Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction and Gene Sequencing Technology
吴 意1金 娴1樊春卉1陆学东2赵 毅1
1.深圳市第七人民医院检验科,广东深圳 518081; 2.中山大学附属第八医院检验医学部,广东深圳 51803
WU Yi1JIN Xian1FAN Chun-hui1LU Xue-dong2ZHAO Yi1
1.Department of Clinical Laboratoory,Shenzhen Seven Peopel'sHospital, Guangdong Shenzhen 518081,China; 2.Department of Clinical Laboratoory,the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangdong Shenzhen 518033,China
巢式PCR 基因测序 呼吸道合胞病毒 亚型
R373.14; Q503
目的 建立呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)A,B亚型的鉴别方法,以供临床科研应用。方法 运用荧光定量聚合酶链反应技术(FQ-PCR)筛选出2015~2017年50例住院儿童咽拭子RSV阳性标本; 根据RSV的G蛋白编码基因核苷酸序列设计单管双重巢式PCR引物进行基因分型; 其A,B亚型产物经测序与GeneBank库中核苷酸序列进行比对分析鉴定; 采用卡方检验对结果进行统计学分析。结果 50例咽拭子RSV阳性患儿呼吸道合胞病毒A,B亚型及混合感染率分别为82.00%,14.00%和4.00%,差异有统计学显著性意义(χ2=81.06,P<0.01); RSV分型结果与基因测序结果完全符合。结论 深圳东部地区以A亚型流行为主,混合感染并存; 单管双重巢式聚合酶链反应(PCR)及基因测序技术适用于RSV的A,B亚型鉴别,具有灵敏度高、特异度强和准确率高的特点。
Abstract:Objective Objective to establish a method for identification of respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)A and B subtypes for clinicalresearch and application.Methods Using fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction(FQ-PCR)screened 50 cases of throat swab that RSV were positive in hospitalized children from 2015 to 2017.The genotypingwas performed according to the nucleotide sequence of G protein coding gene,and a single tube double nested PCR primers was designed for it.A and B subgroupby sequencing to conduct comparative analysis with nucleotide sequence in the Genebank.The results were analyzed by chi-square test.Results In the 50 cases of throat swab RSV positive children,respiratory syncytial virus A and B subtype and mixed infection rates were 82.00%,14.00% and 4.00%,respectively.The difference was statistically significant(χ2=81.06,P<0.01).The RSV fractal results were consistent with the gene sequencing results.Conclusion The eastern part of shenzhen was dominated by respiratory syncytial virus A subtype epidemic and mixed infection.Single tube double nested polymerase chain reaction(PCR)and gene sequencing technique is suitable for theidentification of A and B subtypes of RSV.It is characterized by high sensitivity,specificity and high accuracy.


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基金项目:深圳市盐田区科技局科技计划资助项目(20160102)。 作者简介:吴 意(1982-),男,大学本科,主管检验师,主要从事病原微生物分子诊断学研究,E-mail:845007571@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-02-07