[1]李熙建a,张 夏,张婷婷a,等.体检人群糖化血红蛋白水平与性别和年龄分层的诊断价值[J].现代检验医学杂志,2018,33(04):43-46.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.04.011]
 LI Xi-jiana,ZHANG Xia,ZHANG Ting-tinga,et al.Value of Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Level and Gender and Age Stratification in People Undergoing Physical Examination[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2018,33(04):43-46.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.04.011]





Value of Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Level and Gender and Age Stratification in People Undergoing Physical Examination
李熙建1a张 夏2张婷婷1a陈 荷1b唐灵通1a谭同均1a
1.宜宾市第一人民医院a.检验科; b.内分泌科,四川宜宾 644000; 2.重庆市永川区妇幼保健院,重庆 402160
LI Xi-jian1aZHANG Xia2ZHANG Ting-ting1aCHEN He1bTANG Ling-tong1a TANG Tong-jun1a
1a.Department of Clinical Laboratory; 1b.Department of Endocrinology,the First People's Hospital of Yibin,Sichuan Yibin 644000, China; 2.Yongchuan Maternal and Child Care Hospital in Chongqing,Chongqing 402160,China
糖化血红蛋白A1c 糖尿病 年龄因素 性别因素 筛查
目的 分析宜宾地区糖化血红蛋白A1c(glycosylated hemoglobin A1c,HbA1c)水平与性别和年龄间的关系,探讨性别和年龄对糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)的筛查和诊断价值。方法 回顾性研究,横断面调查,收集2017年6月~2018年3月的体检者1 510例,按年龄分为6组。应用日本爱科来(Arkray HA-8180型)全自动糖化血红蛋白分析仪检测,分析不同性别和年龄组HbA1c水平的差异,探讨HbA1c与年龄、性别之间的关系与规律,计算糖尿病的患病率。两组间比较采用两组独立样本资料t检验,组间两两比较采用LSD-T检验。分析不同分析标准对结果的影响。结果 随着年龄增加,HbA1c水平增加明显。在41~50岁年龄段,男性(6.15%±1.59%)明显高于女性(5.66%±0.99%),男女之间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 在患病率的比较中,男性的患病率在41~50岁较31~40岁有明显的增加,从5.92%增加到21.09%,女性患病率的年龄段明显增加则是在51~60岁,从8.16%增加到23.62%,在70岁以下人群的年龄段中,男女均有差异。在总人群的统计中,糖尿病的患病率超过了16%,高危人群达到了23.31%。结论 HbA1c的水平与年龄、性别均有关,不同性别人群HbA1c水平呈现随年龄增大而逐渐增高的趋势,其筛查糖尿病的准确性随着年龄的增加而降低,这对于糖尿病患者的诊治和前期患者的筛查都有重要的意义。
Abstract:Objective To study the distribution of glycosylated hemoglobin Alc(HbA1c)levels in the region,understand the relationship among HbA1c level and gender and age,and investigate the clinical value of diagnostic and screening DM from heath physical examination groups on HbA1c.Methods Retrospective and cross-sectional study,1 510 cases of physical examination individuals from July 2017 to March 2018 were retrospectively collected.Age was further divided into six groups.HbA1c was measured by ARKRAY HA-8180 automatic glycosylated hemoglobin analyzer(Japan).All data were collected for analyzing the HbA1c levels in different sex and age groups,exploringthe rule between HbA1c and age,calculated diabetes morbidity.Differences between the two groups were compared using the independent samples t test.The comparison between two groups was performed with LSD-T test,and compared the different diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus(DM).ResultsIncreased with age,HbA1c significantly increased.Between the ages of 41 and 50,men(6.15%±1.59%)were significantly higher than women(5.66%±0.99%).The difference between men and women was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the prevalence comparison,the prevalence rate of men aged 41~50was significantly higher than that of men aged 31~40,which was increased from5.92% to 21.09%.A significant increase in the age group of women was between51 and 60,which was changed from 8.16% to 23.62%.There was also a difference between men and women in the age group before the age of 70.The prevalence of diabetes was more than 16 percent in the general population,and 23.32 percent in the high-risk population.Conclusion HbA1c level was related to age and gender.HbA1c level had gradually risen with increasing age.The accuracy of HbA1c for detecting undiagnosed diabetes decreased with increasing age.It is a great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of DM and also for the screening and intervention of Pre-diabetes(PreD)patients.


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作者简介:李熙建(1971-),男,大学本科,副主任技师,主要从事临床生物化学检验工作,E-mail: lixijian6699@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-08-16