 LIANG Pei-song,WANG Jie-zhen,WANG Wei-jia,et al.Establishment of the Median Equation of Prenatal Screening Serum Marker of the Second Trimester in Zhongshan of Guangdong Province[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2018,33(05):46-48+52.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.05.013]





Establishment of the Median Equation of Prenatal Screening Serum Marker of the Second Trimester in Zhongshan of Guangdong Province
梁培松王结珍王伟佳陈 康卢建强
中山大学附属中山医院检验医学中心,广东中山 528403
LIANG Pei-songWANG Jie-zhenWANG Wei-jiaCHEN KangLU Jiang-qiang
Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Affiliated Sun Yat-sen Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangdong Zhongshan 528403,China
孕中期 产前筛查 甲胎蛋白 人绒毛膜促性腺激素 游离雌三醇 中位数
R715.3; R446
目的 探讨中山地区孕妇孕中期产前筛查血清标志物中位数方程的建立。方法 采用德国SIEMENS公司生产的IMMULITE2000全自动化学发光免疫分析系统对11 779例105~146孕天妇女进行甲胎蛋白、人绒毛膜促性腺激素、游离雌三醇(AFP,HCG,uE3)浓度检测; 采用SPSS19.0软件进行统计分析,采用spearman相关分析法分析孕龄、体重及年龄与AFP,HCG和uE3浓度的相关性; 采用加权回归分析法,构建中山地区血清标志物中位数曲线方程及体重校正曲线方程; 采用配对t检验进行中山地区数据与Prisca4风险评估软件内置数据进行比较。结果 体重与AFP,HCG,uE3呈低度相关; 孕龄与AFP/HCG/uE3呈中度相关; 中山地区的AFP,HCG,uE3浓度中位数与软件内置数据差异有统计学意义; 中山地区的AFP-MOM,HCG-MOM和uE3-MOM体重校正中位数与软件内置数据差异有统计学意义; 中山地区人群模型所得AFP-mMOM,HCG-mMOM和uE3-mMOM值更接近1。结论 建立中山地区孕中期孕妇的血清标志物中位数方程及体重校正方程是产前筛查实验室质量控制的保证,势在必行。
Objective To study and establish the median equation of prenatal screening serum marker of the second trimester in Zhongshan region.Methods Used IMMULITE2000 automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay system to detect the concentration of alpha-fetoprotein,humanchorionic gonadotropin and unconjugated estriol 3(AFP,HCG,uE3)of 11 779 cases women with pregnant 105~146 days.Used SPSS19.0 software to analyze all thedata.Used the spearman correlation analysis to analyze the correlation of age,weight and gestational age with the concentration of AFP,HCG and uE3.Using the weighted regression analysis method to establish the serum marker median equation and the weight calibration equation of Zhongshan,and using paired t test to compare the data of Zhongshan with the built-in data of the Prisca4 riskevaluation's software.Results Weight and AFP,HCG and uE3 concentration were appeared low correlation.Gestational age and AFP,HCG anduE3 were appeared moderate correlation.The difference of the median of AFP,HCG,uE3 concentration of Zhongshan and the software built-in data was statistically significant.The difference of the weight corrected median of AFP-MOM,HCG-MOM and u3-MOM of Zhongshan and the software built-in data was statisticallysignificant.The AFP-mMOM,HCG-mMOM and uE3-mMOM of the crowd model in Zhongshan were closer to 1.Conclusion To establish the medianequation and the weight correction equation of the prenatal screening serum marker of the second trimester pregnant women in Zhongshan region is the guaranteeof prenatal screening laboratory quality control and imperative.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-30