 WANG Qianhong,LI Xueqin,YANG Zhenling,et al.Application of Westgard Internal Quality Control Frequency on?line Calculator in Blood Cell Analyse Internal Quality Control[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2025,40(01):199-202.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2025.01.038]





Application of Westgard Internal Quality Control Frequency on?line Calculator in Blood Cell Analyse Internal Quality Control
王钱红1李雪琴1杨镇林1童小东2刘 楷2
(1. 乐山市妇幼保健院检验科,四川乐山 614000;2. 乐山市人民医院检验科,四川乐山 614000)
WANG Qianhong1LI Xueqin1YANG Zhenling1TONG Xiaodong2LIU Kai2
(1.Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Women and Children’s Hospital of Leshan,Sichuan Leshan 614000,China;2.Department of Clinical Laboratory,the People’s Hospital of Leshan, Sichuan Leshan 614000,China)
目的 用室内质量控制频率在线计算工具为乐山市妇幼保健院血细胞分析项目选择合适的批长度及质量控制程序,探索血细胞分析室内质控的测定频率。方法 收集乐山市妇幼保健院2023 年4 ~ 12 月血细胞分析室内质控变异系数作为项目的不精密度。采用实验室参加2023 年国家卫生健康委员会室间质评血细胞计数实验结果评估各项目偏倚(Bias),WS/T 406-2012 中规定的血细胞分析项目的允许总误差(TEa)。将数据录入Westgard 室内质量控制频率计算工具,在线计算出包括多规则、单规则、质控浓度水平个数从1 ~ 4 在内的10 种相应批长度和不同候选统计质量控制(SQC)程序。结合实验室实际情况选择质控规则相对简单、批长度相对较长的SQC 程序。结果 血细胞分析中检验项目WBC,HGB,MCV,MCH,MCHC 和PLT 选用13s , N=2 规则,对应批长度为1 000;HCT 选用13s/22s/R4s ,N=2 规则,对应批长度为563,质控频率每天1 次;RBC 选用13s /22s/R4s ,N=2 规则,对应批长度为151,质控频率每天2 次或优先改进检测性能。结论 Westgard 室内质量控制频率在线计算工具操作简单易行,可为实验室选择合适的批长度、质控频率及SQC 程序,实验室根据实际情况调整SQC 方案。
Objective To select the appropriate batch length and quality control procedure for the blood cell analysis project of the Women and Children’s Hospital of Leshan with an online calculation tool of internal quality control frequency, and explored the measurement frequency of blood cell analysis laboratory quality control. Methods The coefficient of variation of blood cell analysis internal quality control of the Women and Children’s Hospital of Leshan from April to December 2023 was collected as the imprecision of the project.The results of the laboratory participating in the 2023 National Health Commission inter-laboratory quality evaluation blood count experiment were used to evaluate the bias of each item. The allowable total error (TEa) for blood cell analysis items specified in WS/T 406-2012.Data were entered into the Westgard In-House Quality Control Frequency Calculator to calculate 10 corresponding batch lengths and different candidate statistical quality control (SQC) procedures online, including multi-rule, single-rule, and quality control concentration levels from 1 to 4.Combined with the actual situation of the laboratory, the SQC program with relatively simple quality control rules and relatively long batch length was selected. Results In blood cell analysis, 13s, N=2 rule was used for WBC, HGB, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, corresponding to the batch length of 1 000. 13s/22s/R4s, N=2 rule was used for HCT, the corresponding batch length was 563, and the quality control frequency was 1 time per day. RBC was selected 13s/22s/R4s, N=2 rule, the corresponding batch length was 151, and the quality control frequency was 2 times a day or priority was given to improving the detection performance. Conclusion The Westgard internal quality control frequency calculator is an easy-to-use tool that allows select the right batch length and SQC program for lab, which can adjust the SQC protocol to needs.


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通信作者:童小东(1985-),男,大学本科,副主任技师,研究方向:血细胞分析室内质量控制,E-mail: 290427713@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-01-15