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Clinical Implication of HBV Serum Markers Detected with Chemiluminescent Immunoassay in Inpatients of Xi’an Area
1671-7414 (2017)03-040-05
解 娟刘文康李 玲迟 洁刘 榕董 超闫福堂
陕西省人民医院检验科,西安 710068
XIE JuanLIU Wen-kangLI LingCHI JieLIU RongDO NG ChaoYAN Fu-tang
Department of Clinical Laboratory,Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital,Xi’an 710068,China
目的 获得西安地区住院患者血清乙型肝炎病毒血清标志物 的流行病学资料,为医院院内感染管理以及医护人员的防护提供依据。方法 〖 HT5”K〗利用Abott Architecti 4000SR(i4000SR)化学发光分析仪定量检测2015年10 593例 住院病人血清中乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)、乙型肝炎病毒表面抗体(HBsAb)、乙型肝炎 病毒e抗原(HBeAg)、乙型肝炎病毒e抗体(HBeAb)和乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体(HBcAb),其中男 性5 248例,女性5 345例。结果 HBV感染率为7.01%(743/10 593) ,受检者血清中HBV五项检测结果共有14种模式,其中感染期模式HBsAg,HBeAb和HBcAb均为 阳性(模式3)占5.17%(548/10 593),HBsAg,HBeAg和HBcAb均为阳性(模式2)占1.34%(142/ 10 593),HBsAg和HBcAb均为阳性(模式4)占0.25%(27/10 593),其他非常见感染期模式占0 .25%(26/10 593);恢复期模式中HBsAb阳性占21.02%(2 227/105 93),HBsAb,HBeAb和HB cAb均阳性(模式6)占13.71% (1 452/10 593),HBsAb和HBcAb均阳性占15.07%(1 596/10 5 93);五项指标皆阴性的占31.38%(3 324/10 593)。不同性别和不同年龄段的患者中HBV血 清标志物结果模式阳性率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);感染模式2比例最高的科室为 消化内科7.39%(36/487),感染模式3比例最高的科室为消化内科16.43%(80/487),HBsAb 阳性比例最高的科室为胸外科89.23%(58/65)。结论 了解住院患者 乙肝感染特点为管理和控制院内HBV传播和推广乙肝疫苗接种提供了必要的临床资料数据, 同时提示需要进一步采取有效措施来降低西安地区HBV的感染率。
Objective To obtain serological prevalence data for HBV markers in inpatients of Xi’an area with consequence of providing basi s for nosocomial infection control and clinical stuff.Methods The serological markers of HBV (HBsAg,HBsAb,HBeAg,HBeAb,HBcAb) in seru m of inpatients including 5 248 males and 5 345 females in 2015 were quantitativ ely detected by chemiluminescent analyzer ARCHITECT i4000SR.Results The infection rate of HBV was 7.01% (743/10593) and there were 14 patterns of HBV serum markers in inpatients.Of all patterns of HBV infection in this study,there were 5.17% (548/10 593) with HBsAg+HBeAb+HBcAb+,1.34% (142 /10 593) with HBsAg+HBeAg+HBcAb+,0.25% (27/10 593) with HBsAg+HBcAb+ and 0.25 % (26/10 593) with other uncommon ones.Of all patterns of HBV convalescent stag e,there were 21.02% (2 227/10 593) with HBsAb+,13.71% (1 452/10 593) with HB sAb+HBeAb+HBcAb+,and 15.07% (1 596/10 593) with HBsAb+HBcAb+.The percentage o f five serum markers with negative was 31.38% (3 324/10 593).There existed sta tistical difference for patterns of HBV serum markers concerning gender and diff erent age groups,respectively (P<0.05).The clinical departments with high est percentages of HBsAg+HBeAg+HBcAb+,HBsAg+HBeAb+HBcAb+ and HBsAb+ were depart ment of gastroenterology with 7.39% (36/487),department of gastroenterology wi th 16.43% (80/487) and thoracic surgery one with 89.23% (58/65),respectively .Conclusion This study provided clinical data of managem ent and controlling the transmitting of HBV and promotion of HBV vaccination.Me anwhile it is necessary for government to take effective measures to reduce the infection rate of HBV in Xi’an area.


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作者简介:解 娟(1976-),女,本科,主管检验技师,研究方向 :免疫学检验技术。
通讯作者:闫福堂(1964-),男,主任检验技师,研究方向:免疫 学检验。
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-25