 WU Ai-rong.Effect Evaluation and Drug Resistance Analysis of B Streptococcus and Fungus in Swab of Vaginal and Perianal Detected with Different Methods in Late Pregnancy[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2018,33(03):108-111.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.03.027]





Effect Evaluation and Drug Resistance Analysis of B Streptococcus and Fungus in Swab of Vaginal and Perianal Detected with Different Methods in Late Pregnancy
西安高新医院检验科,西安 710075
WU Ai-rong
Department of Clinical Laboratories,Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital,Xi'an 710075,China
B族链球菌 真菌 妊娠晚期 检测方法 耐药分析
R378.12; R379; R446.5
目的 探讨不同方法检测孕晚期孕妇生殖道B族链球菌(GBS)和真菌的效果评价,并对分离培养出的GBS进行耐药性分析,为临床提供有效的预防和治疗依据。方法 选择2013年1月~2017年12月西安高新医院产科门诊孕晚期孕妇22 938例,采集孕35~37周孕妇阴道拭子和肛周拭子标本,按照随机分组原则,采用血琼脂培养法、显色培养法及聚合酶链反应(PCR)3种方法进行GBS检测,同时用前两种培养法进行真菌检测,并对分离出的368株GBS进行药敏试验。结果 22 938例孕妇中,6 782例采用血琼脂培养,检出GBS 105例(阳性率1.5%),检出真菌665例(阳性率9.8%); 5 957例采用显色培养法,检出GBS 263例(阳性率4.4%),检出真菌72例(阳性率1.2%); 10 199例采用PCR法,检出281例阳性(阳性率2.8%)。分离出368株GBS经定量药敏实验,其对氨苄西林、青霉素、头孢吡肟、头孢噻肟、头孢曲松、利奈唑胺和万古霉素的敏感率均为100%; 对红霉素、克林霉素和左氧氟沙星的敏感率分别为17.9%,25.4%和66.7%。三种筛查GBS的方法比较,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=94.05,P<0.05),显色培养法的阳性率最高。两种培养方法对真菌的检测比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=429.99,P<0.5),血琼脂培养法检出率较高。结论 显色培养法筛查GBS有望成为孕晚期孕妇检测GBS感染的一种首选方法,而血琼脂培养法则有利于对孕妇阴道真菌的检出,建议两种方法联合使用,以提高对GBS和真菌的检出率,减少因GBS和真菌引起的胎膜早破和新生儿感染。
Abstract:Objective To explore the different methods to detect pregnant women late in pregnancy vaginal group B Streptococcus(GBS)and fungi effect evaluation,and drug resistance analysis was carried out on theseparation of cultivate of GBS,provide a basis for effective prevention and treatment in clinical.Methods Chose 22 938 cases of pregnant women late in pregnancy,in maternity clinic of Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital fromJanuary 2013 and December 2013.Gathering pregnant women vaginal swabs and crissum swab specimens at 35 to 37 weeks,and in accordance with the principle of random grouping,the blood AGAR culture method,chromogenic culture method and polymerase chain reaction(PCR)were used to detect the GBS.At the same time,fungiwas detected with the first two kinds of culture method,and 368 GBS isolated were tested for drug sensitivity.Results Among the 22938 samples of pregnant women,6 782 were cultured with blood agar,which detected GBS105(1.5% of the positive rate)and 665 cases(9.8% of the positive rate).Among the 5 957 cases,the color culture method was adopted,and GBS263 caseswere detected(with a positive rate of 4.4%),and 72 cases of fungus were detected(positive rate 1.2%).PCR was used to detect 281 positive cases(2.8% ofpositive rate).The sensitivity of 368 strains of GBS to ampicillin,penicillin,cefepime,cefotaxime,cefotaxime,ceftriaxone,lynazolamide and vancomycin were detected by quantitative drug sensitivity test.The sensitivity of erythromycin,clindamycin and levofloxacin was 17.9%,25.4% and 66.7% respectively.There were statistically significant differences in the three methods of screening GBS(χ2=94.05,P<0.05).The positive rate of the color culture method was the highest,and there were statistically significant differences between thetwo cultures in the detection of fungi(χ2=429.99,P<0.05).The detection rate of blood agar culture was higher.Conclusion Chromogenic culture method screening the GBS is expected to become pregnant womenlate in pregnancy test a preferred method of GBS infection,and blood AGAR culture law,conducive to the detection of pregnant women vaginal fungal suggest twomethods used in combination,in order to improve the detection rate of GBS andfungi,reduce premature rupture of membranes caused by GBS and fungi and neonatal infections.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-16