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Analysis of the Infection Status of High-risk HPV in Beijing Females
段萃娟刘元明宋 娜谢建萍杨晓莉
武警总医院检验科,北京 100039
DUAN Cui-juanLIU Yuan-mingSONG NaXIE Jian-pingYANG Xiao-li
Department of Clinical Laboratory, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces,Beijing 100039,China
人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV) 亚型 疫苗
R373; R446.5
目的 调查北京地区女性高危型人类乳头瘤病毒(high-risk human papillomavirus,hr-HPV)的感染现状。方法 回顾2016年武警总医院11 845例女性HPV的PCR检测结果,根据就诊来源分为体检组、产科组和妇科组,并对其结果进行统计分析。结果 11 845例标本中检出阳性2 069例,总感染率17.47%,其中妇科组799例标本阳性181例,感染率22.65%; 产科组9 996例标本阳性1 740例,感染率17.41%; 体检组1 050例标本阳性148例,感染率14.09%,三组差异有统计学意义(χ2=23.213,P<0.05)。妇科组感染率高于产科组(χ2=13.921,P<0.05)和体检组(χ2=22.719,P<0.05),产科组感染率高于体检组(χ2=7.354,P<0.05)。HPV亚型感染率前三的是52,58,16型。结论HPV的感染和生活环境、风俗习惯、文化程度以及性健康教育等密切相关; HPV疫苗并不能有效预防所有HPV亚型感染和宫颈癌,定期体检和常规宫颈癌筛查是必不可少的。
Abstract:Objective To analyze the infection status of high-risk human papillomavirus(hr-HPV)in Beijing females.MethodsReviewed the HPV PCR results of 11 845 females from the General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces in 2016.There were diveded into physical examination group,obstetric group and gynecological group according to their source of treatment,and analyzed data statistically.Results2 069 positive from 11 845 specimens,total infection ratio was 17.47%.181 positive from 799 gynecology samples,infection ratio was 22.65%.1 740positive from 9 996 obstetrics samples,infection ratio was 17.41%,and 148 positive from 1 050 Medical examination samples,infection ratio was 14.09%.Thedifference between the three groups was statistically significant(χ2=23.213,P<0.05).The infection ratio of gynecology group was higher than Obstetrics group(χ2=13.921,P<0.05)and Medical examination group(χ2=22.719,P<0.05).Obstetrics group was higher than Medical examination group(χ2=7.354,P<0.05).The first three subtypes of HPV infection were 52,58 and 16,respectively.Conclusion The infection of HPV was correlated with surrounding,custom,culture and sexual education etc.HPVvaccines cannot fully prevent infection from all HPV subtypes and cervical cancer.Periodical medical examination and routine HPV screening are essential.


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作者简介:段萃娟(1982-),女,学士学位,主管技师,主要从事分子生物学、流式细胞技术方面的研究。 通讯作者:杨晓莉,女,主任技师,E-mail:519691529@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-08-16