[1]颜 丽,魏莲花,齐发梅,等.血清TSGF,AFP,CEA和FER联合检测在肝脏恶性肿瘤诊断中的应用价值[J].现代检验医学杂志,2018,33(05):24-26+141.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.05.007]
 YAN Li,WEI Lian-hua,QI Fa-mei,et al.Significance of Combined Detection of TSGF,AFP,CEA and FER in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Malignancy[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2018,33(05):24-26+141.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.05.007]





Significance of Combined Detection of TSGF,AFP,CEA and FER in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Malignancy
颜 丽1魏莲花1齐发梅1周爱华1杨 森1何津春2
1.甘肃省人民医院检验中心,兰州 730000; 2.兰州大学第一医院医学检验科,兰州 730000
YAN Li1WEI Lian-hua1QI Fa-mei1ZHOU Ai-hua1YANG Sen1HE Jin-chun2
1.Inspection Center,Gansu Provincial Hospital,Lanzhou 730000,China; 2.Department of Laboratory Medicine,the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,China
肝脏恶性肿瘤 肿瘤特异性生长因子 甲胎蛋白 癌胚抗原 铁蛋白
R735.7; R730.43
目的 通过联合检测血清肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、癌胚抗原(CEA)和铁蛋白(FER)水平,探讨在肝脏恶性肿瘤诊断中的应用价值。方法 选择2014年9月~2017年5月在甘肃省人民医院就诊的肝脏疾病患者163例,包括肝癌组(n=82)和肝脏良性病变组(n=81),并选择同期健康体检者86例作为对照组,分析各组TSGF,AFP,CEA和FER水平,以及各项指标联合检测对肝脏恶性肿瘤诊断的敏感度和特异度等。结果 肝癌组AFP,CEA,FER和TSGF水平高于对照组(Z=-4.688,-4.469,-4.693,-8.239,均P<0.01),肝脏良性病变组AFP,CEA和TSGF水平高于对照组(Z=2.759,-3.724,-2.773,均P<0.01),肝癌组AFP,FER和TSGF水平高于肝脏良性病变组(Z=-2.619,-3.618,-2.549,均P<0.05)。联合检测AFP,FER和TSGF特异度最高(88.9%),而联合检测FER和TSGF敏感度最高(90.2%)。结论 AFP,FER和TSGF是肝脏恶性肿瘤的辅助诊断指标,联合检测AFP,FER和TSGF可提高肝脏恶性肿瘤诊断的准确度。
Objective To explore the value of combined detection of serum TSGF,AFP,CEA and FER in the diagnosis of hepatic malignancy.Methods 163 patients with liver disease in Gansu ProvincialHospital were selected,which were divided into hepatic malignancy group(HM group,n=82)and liver benign lesions group(LBL group,n=81).At the sametime,86 normal people who had medical check-up in the hospital were selectedas normal group.The level of TSGF,AFP,CEA and FER of each group,and the sensitivity and specificity of the combined detection in the diagnosis of hepatic malignancy were analyzed.Results AFP,CEA,FER and TSGF were significantly higher in the HM group than in the normal group(Z=-4.688,-3.465,-4.693 and -8.239,all P<0.01),but AFP,CEA and TSGF were significantlyhigher in the LBL group than in the normal group(Z=-2.759,-3.724 and -2.773,all P<0.01),and AFP,FER,TSGF were significantly higher in the HM group than in the LBL group(Z=-2.619,-3.618 and -2.549,all P<0.05).Thespecificity of the combined detection of AFP,FER and TSGF was highest(88.9%),and the sensitivity of the combined detection of FER and TSGF was highest(90.2%).Conclusion AFP,FER and TSGF are assisted markers,and combined detection of AFP,FER and TSGF improve the accuracy in the diagnosisof hepatic malignancy.


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作者简介:颜 丽(1990-),女,硕士研究生,初级检验师,从事临床生物化学与检验,E-mail:yanlizu@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-30