 SUN Jian-fang,CAI Xin-hong,JIANG Feng-xia,et al.Investigation of Erythrocyte Folic Acid Level in Pregnant Women in Zhangjiagang of Jiangsu[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2018,33(05):117-120.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2018.05.032]





Investigation of Erythrocyte Folic Acid Level in Pregnant Women in Zhangjiagang of Jiangsu
孙建方蔡新红蒋冯霞陈 静
张家港市妇幼保健所,江苏张家港 215600
SUN Jian-fangCAI Xin-hongJIANG Feng-xiaCHEN Jing
Zhangjiagang Maternal and Child Health Care Institute,Jiangsu Zhangjiagang 215600,China
叶酸 红细胞叶酸 化学发光法 孕妇
目的 分析张家港地区妇女妊娠早、中、晚各期红细胞叶酸水平,探讨红细胞叶酸水平在孕期的变化,全方位对孕妇孕期保健提供科学诊断依据。方法 对2014年8月8日~2015年6月23日在张家港市妇幼保健所建卡的665例孕妇,采用Beckman Coulter Access2化学发光免疫测定方法,定量测定妊娠早、中、晚各期红细胞叶酸水平。结果 妊娠早、中、晚期红细胞叶酸含量分别为672.27±212.38,862.41±276.17和 818.25±290.96 ng/ml,不同孕期间红细胞叶酸水平差异有统计学意义(t=-21.557,-14.696,5.260,均P<0.01)。从检测数据来看,张家港市孕妇总体红细胞叶酸水平在正常范围,孕早期相对孕中、晚期稍低; 孕早期20~30岁和大于30岁年龄段红细胞叶酸水平低于推荐值者占6.51%(43/661)。结论 张家港市孕妇红细胞叶酸水平处于相对可控范围,部分孕妇孕早期相对略低可能与主动补充叶酸的频率有关,不断提高补充叶酸依从性不容忽视。
Objective To analyze the levels of erythrocytefolic acid in early,middle and late pregnancy of women in Zhangjiagang Area,and explore the changes of erythrocyte folic acid in pregnancy,so as to provide scientific basis for pregnant women's health care.Methods From August 8,2014 to June 23,2015,665 pregnant women with cards established in Zhangjiagang Maternal and Child Health Center were measured by Beckman Coulter Access 2 chemiluminescent immunoassay.Results The mean levels of erythrocyte folic acid in early,middle and late pregnancy were672.27±212.38,862.41±276.17 and 818.25±290.96 ng/ml,respectively.Therewas a significant difference in the levels of erythrocyte folic acid in different pregnancy stages(t=-21.557,-14.696,5.260,all P<0.01).According to the test data,the erythrocyte folic acid level of pregnant women in Zhangjiagang city was in the normal range,which was slightly lower in the early pregnancy than in the middle and late pregnancy.Conclusion Erythrocyte folic acid level of pregnant women in Zhangjiagang City was in a relatively controllable range,and the relatively low level of some early pregnancy could be related to the frequency of active folic acid supplementation.Continuous improvement of folic acid supplementation compliance should not be ignored.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-30