 GU Hui-ling,WANG Hai-feng,NI Hong-yan,et al.Correlation of Serum and Phlegm NLRP3 Inflammasome in Patients with Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury with Other Inflammatory Cytokines[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2019,34(01):97-100.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2019.01.025]





Correlation of Serum and Phlegm NLRP3 Inflammasome in Patients with Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury with Other Inflammatory Cytokines
1671-7414 (2019)01-097-04
(上海市第一人民医 院宝山分院呼吸科,上海200940)
GU Hui-lingWANG Hai-fengNI Hong-yanYANG Wen-l in
(Department of Clinical Laboratory, Baoshan Branch of Shanghai First People’s Hospital,Shanghai 200940,Chin a)
目的分析呼吸机相关肺损伤(VILI)患者血清及诱导痰液No d样受体蛋白3(NLRP3)炎症小体及炎性因子的表达,探讨两者在VILI发病中的作用。” 方法测定76例VILI患者及30例健康体检者(对照组)的血清、诱导痰中NLRP3 炎症小体的表达,以及血清中白介素1β(IL-1β),IL-18,IL-6和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TN F-α)等炎性指标。根据Murray肺损伤评分(LIS)将VILI患者分为两个亚组:轻、中度肺损 伤组(LIS≤2.5分)、重度肺损伤组(LIS>2.5分)。分析各组NLRP3炎症小体与炎性因子的相 关性。结果轻中度肺损伤组、重度肺损伤组血清、诱导痰中NLRP3 炎症小体表达水平明显高于对照组[血清:106.3±29.3,131.1±37.1 vs 79.2±27 .3 pg/ml;诱导痰:95.1±24.4,119.2±36.7 vs 76.0±20.6 pg/ml],重度肺损 伤组上述指标亦明显高于轻中度肺损伤组( t=3.82,4.03,均P <0.05)。与对照组比 较,轻中度肺损伤组、重度肺损伤组血清中IL-1β(8.7±2.4,11.6±2.7 vs 5.5± 1.9 pg/ml),IL-18(11.3±3.4,15.6±4.7 vs 4.5±1.3 pg/ml),IL-6(46.4± 12.1,74.6±24.8 vs 6.4±1.8 pg/ml),TNF-α(16.1±4.4,22.8±5.1 vs  9.2±1.5 ng/ml)水平明显升高;与轻中度肺损伤组比较,重度肺损伤组血清中各炎性 因子水平亦明显升高( t=4.87,4.62,7.94,5.33,均P <0.05)。轻中度肺损伤组 患者血清、诱导痰中NLRP3炎症小体浓度与IL-1β,IL-18均呈显著正相关( P <0.05) 。重度肺损伤组患者血清、诱导痰中NLRP3炎症小体浓度与IL-1β,IL-18,IL-6,TNF- α均呈显著正相关( P <0.05)。结论 VILI患者血清、诱导痰中 NLRP3表达明显上调,且与炎性因子密切相关,参与VILI的发生、发展,阻断NLRP3炎性小体 的激活可能成为VILI的潜在治疗靶点。
Objective To investigate the expression of seru m and phlegm NLRP3 inflammasome and inflammatory cytokines in patients with vent ilator-induced lung injury (VILI),and explore the role of NLRP3 inflammasome a nd inflammatory cytokines in the onset of VILI.Methods T he expression of NLRP3 in serum and phlegm,serum inflammatory indicators includ ing interleukin 1β (IL-1β),IL-18,IL-6,tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α ) in 76 patients with VILI and 30 cases of healthy physical examination (control group) were detected.These patients were divided into two groups according to the Murray lung injury score (LIS),including mild and moderate lung injury grou p (LIS≤2.5) and severe lung injury group (LIS>2.5).The correlation between N LRP3 inflammasome and inflammatory cytokines was analyzed in each group. Results Compared with control group,the level of NLRP3 inflam masome in serum and phlegm in mild and moderate lung injury group and severe lun g injury group were increased significantly serum 106.3±29.3,131.1±37.1 v s 79.2±27.3 pg/ml,phlegm 95.1±24.4,119.2±36.7 vs 76.0±20.6 pg/ml ,and these indicators were also increased significantly in severe lung injury g roup compared with mild and moderate lung injury group ( t =3.82,4.03,all P <0.05).Compared with control group, the level of inflammatory cytokines in serum in mild and moderate lung injury group and severe lung injury group were i ncreased significantly,and these indicators such as IL-1β (8.7±2.4,11.6 ±2. 7 vs 5.5±1.9 pg/ml),IL-18 (11.3±3.4,15.6±4.7 vs 4.5±1.3 pg/ml),I L-6 (46.4±12.1,74.6±24.8 vs 6.4±1.8 pg/ml),TNF-α (16.1±4.4,22 .8±5.1 vs 9.2±1.5 ng/ml) were also increased significantly in severe lung injury group compared with mild and moderate lung injury group ( F =105.24,8 0.05,148.22 and 83.44,all P <0.05).NLRP3 inflammasome in serum and phl egm in patients with mild to moderate lung injury group were significantly posit ive correlated with IL-1β and IL-18 ( P <0.05).There was significant correla tion between NLRP3 inflammasome in serum and phlegm in patients with severe lung injury group with IL-1β,bIL-18,IL-6 and TNF-α( P <0.05). Con clusion NLRP3 inflammasome in serum and phlegm of patients with VILI was over-expressed,and the expression of NLRP3 inflammasome and inflammatory c ytokines was positively correlated,could be involved in the occurrence and deve lopm ent of VILI.Blocking the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome is expected to be as a new target in the treatment of VILI.


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作者简介:顾慧玲(1979-),女,在职研究生,主治医师,研究方 向:肺部感染,E-mail:y_huiling1@126.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-02-28