[1]谢小娟a,郭 华b,李小侠b,等.陕西省临床实验室检验标本可接受性质量指标统计分析[J].现代检验医学杂志,2019,34(06):148-152.[doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1671-7414.2019.06.038]
 XIE Xiao-juana,GUO Huab,LI Xiao-xiab,et al.Investigation and Analysis on Quality Indicators of Acceptability of Clinical Test Specimens in Shaanxi Province[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2019,34(06):148-152.[doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1671-7414.2019.06.038]

陕西省临床实验室检验标本可接受性质量指标统计分析 ()




Investigation and Analysis on Quality Indicators of Acceptability of Clinical Test Specimens in Shaanxi Province
谢小娟a郭 华b李小侠b王 晶b魏力强a
(陕西省人民医院a. 省临床检验中;b. 检验科,西安 710068)
XIE Xiao-juana GUO Huab LI Xiao-xiab WANG Jingb WEI Li-qianga
(a. Shaanxi Center for Clinical Laboratory; b. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital, Xi’an 710068,China)
10.3969 / j.issn.1671-7414.2019.06.038
目的 分析陕西省临床实验室检验前标本可接受性质量指标,了解全省检验前质量控制的现状,为改进临床实 验室的检验质量、提高标本检测的准确性提供依据。方法 发放调查表,收集2018 年12 月份陕西省临床实验室基本情 况和标本类型错误率、容器错误率、采集量错误率、抗凝标本凝集率、溶血率、丢失率和血培养污染率7 项质量指标信息。 调查数据采用专业软件进行统计分析,用西格玛(σ)度量值评价实验室质量水平。结果 260 家实验室参与调查,7 项指标的回报率均高于全国总体情况。其中,血培养污染率最高,4.4% 的实验室回报结果< 3σ;其次是抗凝标本凝集率, 1.2% 的实验室回报结果< 3σ;其余指标,所有实验室回报结果均≥ 3σ,其中95% 以上的实验室≥ 4σ。结论 陕西 省临床实验室检验标本的可接受性尚需提高,持续监测标本的质量指标有助于提高标本质量,确保检测结果的准确性。
Objective To analyze the quality index of acceptability of pre-examination specimens in clinical laboratories in Shaanxi province and understand the present situation of pre-examination quality control in this province, so as to provide basis for further improving the quality of clinical laboratories and improving the accuracy of pre-examination specimens. Methods The questionnaire was issued to collect the basic information of the provincial clinical laboratory and 7 quality indicators including sample type error rate, container error rate, collection amount error rate, agglutination rate, hemolysis rate, loss rate and blood culture contamination rate in December 2018. The survey data were statistically analyzed by specialized software and the quality of the laboratory was evaluated by the sigma(σ) measurement. Results With 260 laboratories participating in the survey, the returns on each of the seven indicators were higher than the overall national situation. Among them, the rate of contamination in blood culture was highest, and 4.4 % of laboratory returns resulted less than 3σ. Followed by the agglutination rate of anticoagulant specimens, 1.2 % of the laboratory return results were less than 3σ. For the rest of the indicators, all laboratory return results more than 3σ, and of which more than 95 % of the laboratories more than 4σ. Conclusion The acceptability of test specimens in clinical laboratories in Shaanxi Province needs to be improved. Continuous monitoring of the quality indicators of specimens can help improve the quality of specimens and ensure the accuracy of test results.


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基金项目:陕西省科技资源开放共享平台项目(No. 2018PT-24)。 作者简介:谢小娟(1981- ),女,副主任技师,主要从事检验医学室间质量评价工作,E-mail: xie198105@163.com。 通讯作者:郭华(1977- ),女,主管技师,主要从事临床检验工作,E-mail:guohua1123@163.com。收稿日期:2019-09-14
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-25