[1]冯 华a,薛洪刚b,徐玉秀c.难治性肺炎支原体肺炎患儿血清长链非编码RNA 肺腺癌转移相关转录因子1 和烟酰胺核苷酸反义转氢酶RNA1 检测的临床意义[J].现代检验医学杂志,2022,37(04):7-12+164.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2022.04.002]
 FENG Huaa,XUE Hong-gangb,XU Yu-xiuc.Clinical Significance of Serumlong Non-coding RNA Metastasis-associated Lung Adenocarcinoma Transcript 1, Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase-antisense RNA1 in Children with Refractory Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2022,37(04):7-12+164.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2022.04.002]

难治性肺炎支原体肺炎患儿血清长链非编码RNA 肺腺癌转移相关转录因子1 和烟酰胺核苷酸反义转氢酶RNA1 检测的临床意义()




Clinical Significance of Serumlong Non-coding RNA Metastasis-associated Lung Adenocarcinoma Transcript 1, Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase-antisense RNA1 in Children with Refractory Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia
冯 华a薛洪刚b徐玉秀c
辽宁省健康产业集团阜新矿总医院a. 儿科;b. 呼吸内科;c. 检验科,辽宁阜新 123000
FENG Huaa XUE Hong-gangb XU Yu-xiuc
a.Department of Pediatrics; b. Department of Respiratory Medicine; c. Department of Clinical Laboratory,Fuxin Mine General Hospital of Liaoning Health Industry Group,Liaoning Fuxin 123000,China
目的 探讨难治性肺炎支原体肺炎(refractory Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia,RMPP)患儿血清长链非编码核糖核酸(long non-coding ribonucleic acid,LncRNA)肺腺癌转移相关转录因子1(metastasis-associated lungadenocarcinoma transcript 1,MALAT1)、烟酰胺核苷酸反义转氢酶RNA1(nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenaseantisenseRNA1,NNT-AS1)检测的临床意义。方法 选择2018 年1 月1 日~ 2021 年1 月1 日辽宁省健康产业集团阜新矿总医院收治的200 例肺炎支原体肺炎患儿,其中43 例为RMPP(RMPP 组),157 例为普通肺炎支原体肺炎(普通肺炎组),另选择100 例健康儿童为对照组。检测血清LncRNA MALAT1 和 LncRNA NNT-AS1 表达水平以及炎性因子[C 反应蛋白(C-reactive protein ,CRP)、降钙素原(procalcitonin ,PCT)、白细胞介素-8(interleukin-8 ,IL-8) 和 肿瘤坏死因子-α (tumornecrosis factor-α ,TNF-α)] 水平。分析血清LncRNA MALAT1 和 LncRNA NNT-AS1 表达水平与炎性因子水平的相关性。收集临床资料,分析影响RMPP 发病的影响因素,比较不同疗效RMPP 患儿血清LncRNA MALAT1 和 LncRNA NNTAS1表达水平的差异。结果 RMPP 组、普通肺炎组和对照组血清LncRNA MALAT1(3.26±0.85,1.32±0.41 和1.05±0.37)和 LncRNA NNT-AS1(3.38±0.92,1.41±0.40 和1.06±0.39)水平比较差异均有统计学意义(F =335.693,335.828,均P < 0.05),血清CRP(45.24±2.01 mg/L,19.02±3.27 mg/L 和3.26±0.77 mg/L),PCT(1.58±0.52 μg/L,0.82±0.16μg/L 和0.31±0.09 μg/L),IL-8(42.77±8.84 μg/L,26.35±5.91μg/L 和13.02±3.79 μg/L)和TNF-α(9.22±2.61 μg/L,5.02±1.49 μg/L 和3.32±0.96 μg/L)水平比较差异均有统计学意义(F= 4 207.164,457.187,410.300,214.875,均P< 0.05)。Pearson 相关性分析结果显示血清LncRNA MALAT1,LncRNA NNT-AS1 表达水平均与CRP,PCT,IL-8,TNF-α 水平呈正相关(r=0.715 ~ 0.922,均P < 0.05)。Logistic 逐步回归分析结果显示肺大片实变影[OR(95%CI)=2.212(1.396~3.506)]、CRP 高表达[OR(95%CI)=2.111(1.313~3.392)]、LncRNA MALAT1 高表达[OR(95%CI)=1.826(1.189~2.805)]、LncRNA NNTAS1高表达[OR(95%CI)=1.758(1.149~2.689)] 是RMPP 发病的危险因素(均P < 0.05)。43 例RMPP 患儿治疗有效38 例(有效组),无效5 例(无效组),有效组血清LncRNA MALAT1(3.16±0.24)和 LncRNA NNT-AS1(3.29±0.20)表达水平低于无效组(4.02±0.09,4.06±0.10),差异有统计学意义(t=7.869, 8.406,均P < 0.05)。结论 LncRNA MALAT1和 LncRNA NNT-AS1 可能通过调节炎症反应参与RMPP 发病,检测LncRNA MALAT1 和 LncRNA NNT-AS1 表达可为RMPP 治疗疗效评估提供参考。
Objective To investigate the clinical significance of detecting serum long non-coding ribonucleic acid (LncRNA) metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) and nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase-antisense RNA1 (NNT-AS1) in children with refractory Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (RMPP).Methods A total of 200 children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia who were admitted to Fuxin Mine General Hospital of Liaoning Health Industry Group from January 1, 2018 to January 1, 2021 were selected. Among them, 43 cases were RMPP (RMPP group), 157 cases were common Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (common pneumonia group), another 100 healthy children were selected as the control group.The expression levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NNT-AS1 and the levels of inflammatory factors [C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)] were detected.The correlation between the expression levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NNT-AS1 and the levels of inflammatory factors were analyzed. The clinical data were collected, the influencing factors of the incidence of RMPP were analyzed. The expression levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NT-AS1 in children with RMPP with different therapeutic effects were compared. Results There were significant differences in the levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1 (3.26±0.85 ,1.32±0.41 and 1.05±0.37), LncRNA NNT-AS1 (3.38±0.92 , 1.41±0.40 and 1.06± 0.39) in RMPP group, common pneumonia group and control group (F=335.693, 335.828, all P< 0.05), and there were significant differences in the levels of serum CRP (45.24±2.01 mg/L ,19.02±3.27 mg/L and 3.26±0.77 mg/L), PCT (1.58±0.52 μg/L ,0.82±0.16 μg/L and 0.31±0.09 μg/L), IL-8 (42.77±8.84 μg/L, 26.35±5.91 μg/L and 13.02±3.79 μg/L), TNF-α(9.22±2.61 μg/L ,5.02±1.49 μg/L and 3.32±0.96 μg/L) in RMPP group, common pneumonia group and control group (F = 4 207.164, 457.187, 410.300, 214.875, all P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the expression levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NNT-AS1 were positively correlated with CRP, PCT, IL-8 and TNF-α (r=0.715 ~ 0.922, all P<0.05).Logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that large lung consolidation[OR(95%CI)=2.212(1.396~3.506)], high expression of CRP[OR(95% CI)=2.111(1.313~3.392)], high expression of LncRNA MALAT1[OR(95%CI)=1.826(1.189~2.805)], and high expression of LncRNA NNT-AS1[OR(95%CI)=1.758(1.149~2.689)] were risk factors for incidence of RMPP (all P < 0.05). Among the 43 children with RMPP, 38 cases (effective group) were treated effectively, and 5 cases (ineffective group) were treated effectively. The expression levels of serum LncRNA MALAT1(3.16±0.24) and LncRNA NT-AS1(3.29±0.20)in effective group were lower than that in ineffective group(4.02±0.09,4.06±0.10),the differences were statistically significant (t=7.869, 8.406, all P < 0.05). Conclusion LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NNT-AS1 mey be involved in the incidence of RMPP by regulating the inflammatory response, detection of the expressionof LncRNA MALAT1 and LncRNA NNT-AS1 can provide reference for the treatment efficacy of RMPP.


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基金项目:2019 年辽宁省自然科学基金指导计划(2019034017)。
作者简介:冯华(1984-),女,本科,副主任医师,研究方向:儿内科临床,E-mail: fhdoctorxmz@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01