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 ZHAO Chang,XIE Fang,XIANG Ying.Study on the Correlation between Sputum Metagenomics and Microbiota in Elderly Patients with Severe Pneumonia at Different Blood Glucose Levels[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2024,39(04):116-120.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2024.04.021]





Study on the Correlation between Sputum Metagenomics and Microbiota in Elderly Patients with Severe Pneumonia at Different Blood Glucose Levels
赵 畅谢 芳向 英
(西部战区总医院干部病房三科二病区,成都 610083)
ZHAO Chang XIE Fang XIANG Ying
(Ward 2, Department 3, Western War Zone General Hospital, Chengdu 610083,China)
目的 研究老年重症肺炎不同血糖水平患者痰液宏基因组学与菌群的相关性。方法 将2020 年5 月~ 2023 年5 月于西部战区总医院就诊的158 例老年重症肺炎患者作为研究对象,根据入院时血糖水平将患者分为高血糖组(血糖> 7.8 mmol /L,n=68)和正常组(血糖为3.9 ~ 7.8 mmol /L,n=90)。对所有患者痰液菌群进行宏基因测序,分析患者痰液菌群物种组成。比较高血糖组和正常组痰液菌群Alpha 多样性、Beta 多样性、菌群丰度、微生物网络和基因功能等方面的差异性。结果 高血糖组的Shannon 指数、Simpson 指数和Bray-Curtis 距离分别为2.01±0.63,0.60±0.03和0.52±0.09,均低于正常血糖组的2.67±0.45,0.64±0.05 和0.61±0.07,差异具有统计学意义(t=7.681,5.847,7.071,均P<0.001)。在门水平上,高血糖组的厚壁菌门和放线菌门相对丰度分别为32.54%±16.91% 和7.58%±4.36%,均低于正常血糖组的58.22%±7.33% 和9.80%±3.94%,差异均具有统计学意义(t=12.901,3.349,均P<0.05)。在属水平上,高血糖组的粪杆菌属、小杆菌属和胃瘤菌属相对丰度分别为1.67%±0.72%,0.24%±0.09% 和0.29%±0.13%,均低于正常血糖组的28.43%±5.89%,1.02%±0.45% 和1.85%±1.34%,肠球菌属相对丰度(32.77%±15.80%)高于正常血糖组(21.46%±6.21%),差异具有统计学意义(t=37.227,14.072,9.559,6.192,均P <0.05)。高血糖组患者的痰液菌群微生物网络更加脆弱。高血糖组相对丰度较高的功能基因是核糖体的结构成分、细胞膜;相对丰度较高的信号通路是糖酵解Ⅰ通路(葡萄糖代谢通路)、糖酵解Ⅱ通路(果糖代谢通路)、甲基赤藓糖醇磷酸Ⅱ通路。结论 血糖是影响老年重症肺炎患者痰液菌群多样性的重要因素,不同血糖老年重症肺炎患者的痰液菌群结构差异显著。
Objective To study the correlation between sputum metagenomics and microbiota in elderly patients with severe pneumonia at different blood glucose levels. Methods A total of 158 elderly patients with severe pneumonia who visited Western War Zone General Hospital from May 2020 to May 2023 were selected as the study subjects. All patients were divided into a hyperglycemic group (blood glucose>7.8 mmol/L, n=68) and a normal group (blood glucose was 3.9~7.8 mmol/L, n=90) based on their blood glucose levels at admission. Metagenomic sequencing on the sputum microbiota of all patients was performed, and the species composition of the patient’s sputum microbiota was analyzed. The differences in alpha diversity, beta diversity, flora abundance, microbial network, gene function and other aspects of sputum flora between the hyperglycemic group and the normal group were compared. Results The Shannon index, Simpson index, and Bray-Curtis distance of the hyperglycemic group were 2.01±0.63, 0.60±0.03 and 0.52±0.09, respectively, which were lower than the 2.67±0.45, 0.64±0.05 and 0.61±0.07 of the normal blood glucose group, with significant differences (t=7.681, 5.847, 7.071, all P<0.05). At the phylum level, the relative abundances of Firmicutes and Actinobacteria in the hyperglycemic group were 32.54%±16.91% and 7.58%±4.36%, respectively, and they were lower than 58.22%±7.33% and 9.80%±3.94% in the normal blood glucose group, with significant differences (t=12.901, 3.349, all P<0.05). At the genus level, the relative abundances of Fecal Bacillus, Microbacterium and Gastroma genera in the hyperglycemic group were 1.67%±0.72%, 0.24%±0.09% and 0.29%±0.13%, respectively, which were lower than 28.43%±5.89%, 1.02%±0.45% and 1.85%±1.34% in the normal blood glucose group, the relative abundance of Enterococcus species was 32.77%±15.80%, which was higher than the 21.46%±6.21% in the normal blood glucose group, and the differences were statistically significant (t=37.227, 14.072, 9.559, 6.192, all P<0.05). The microbial network of sputum microbiota in patients with hyperglycemia was more fragile. The functional genes with higher relative abundance in the hyperglycemic group were the structural components of ribosomes and cell membranes. The relatively abundant signaling pathways were glycolysis I pathway (glucose metabolism pathway), glycolysis II pathway (fructose metabolism pathway), and methylerythritol phosphate II pathway. Conclusion Blood glucose was an important factor affecting the diversity of sputum microbiota in elderly patients with severe pneumonia, and there were significant differences in the structure of sputum microbiota among elderly patients with severe pneumonia with different blood glucose levels.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15