 LIU Rong-feng,SHI Yan-yan,LUAN Hai-xia,et al.Correlation between Urine Qualitative Test and Protein Quantitation and Clinical Value of Urine Albumin/Protein Ratio in Proteinuria[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2016,31(06):105-107,111.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2016.06.030]





Correlation between Urine Qualitative Test and Protein Quantitation and Clinical Value of Urine Albumin/Protein Ratio in Proteinuria
1.首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院检验科,北京 100029; 2.北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心,北京 100191
LIU Rong-feng1SHI Yan-yan2LUAN Hai-xia1ZHANG Yong-zhi1MOU Li1ZHOU Ling1 YUAN Hui1ZENG Xiao-li1
1.Department of Laboratory Medicine, Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Beijing100029,China; 2.Clinical Epidemiology Center,the Third Hospital of Beijing University,Beijing 100191,China
尿清蛋白 尿总蛋白 尿液干化学试纸法 尿清蛋白/尿总蛋白 蛋白尿
目的 比较尿蛋白定性和定量的三个指标干化学法尿蛋白、尿清蛋白、尿总蛋白及尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值应用于蛋白尿筛查的研究。方法选取2015年10月~2016年7月于首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院就诊患者282例新鲜样本,分别进行尿蛋白干化学试纸法、尿清蛋白和尿总蛋白定量分析。比较尿蛋白干化学试纸法各组区分尿蛋白的能力。研究检测尿蛋白三个指标的相关关系。最后分析尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值在正常清蛋白尿、轻度清蛋白尿、大量清蛋白尿之间的差异。结果①尿蛋白干化学试纸法结果为-,±,+,++,+++组对应的尿清蛋白、尿总蛋白及尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值分别为21.91±6.23,145.60±26.82,457.11±81.63,3 957.48±1 171.65,4 300±1 445.11 mg/L; 114.02±4.87,233.86±23.39,718.05±100.98,6 347.62±2 023.12,8 527.43±1 291.39 mg/L; 16.58%±1.26%,30.79%±3.60%,55.98%±4.31%,67.70%±4.20%,75.44%±4.93%。除弱阳性组外,尿蛋白干化学定性阳性各组与阴性组相比,尿清蛋白和尿总蛋白定量结果之间的差异均有统计学意义(F=68.19681.66,P值均<0.01); 尿蛋白干化学阳性各组与阴性组相比,尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值之间的差异均有统计学意义(F=46.63,P<0.001)。②尿清蛋白/肌酐低于30 mg/g时,干化学蛋白定性、尿清蛋白、总蛋白相关性较差(尿清蛋白、尿总蛋白与尿蛋白干化学试纸法Spearman系数分别为0.049,0.225,P=0.534,P<0.01; 尿清蛋白与总蛋白Pearson相关系数为0.684,P<0.01); 尿清蛋白/肌酐高于30 mg/g时,三者相关性良好(尿清蛋白、尿总蛋白与干化学蛋白定性Spearman系数分别为0.736和0.806,P值均<0.01; 尿清蛋白与总蛋白Pearson相关系数为0.989,P<0.01)。③正常清蛋白尿组、轻度清蛋白尿组和大量清蛋白尿组比较,其尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值之间的差异均有统计学意义(F=365.266,P<0.01)。结论 干化学尿蛋白定性无法正确区分尿蛋白阴性和弱阳性。可以采用尿清蛋白与总蛋白比值在高危人群中筛查蛋白尿。
Objective To investigate the correlation between urine albumin,urine protein and qualitative urine protein and diagnostic value of urine albumin/protein ratio in proteinuria.Methods Urine albumin,protein and qualitative urine protein of 282 patients in BeijingAnzhen Hospital during October 2015 to July 2016 were detected.The difference of urine albumin,urine protein and urine albumin/protein ratio between groups were analyzed according to qualitative urine protein test.Then the correlations between urine albumin,urine protein and qualitative urine protein were analysed.Finally,the difference of urine albumin/protein ratio between normal albuminuria,mild albuminuria,macro albuminuria was analyzed.Results ①According to qualitative urine protein results “-,±,+,++,+++”,corresponding urine albumin and protein and urine albumin/protein ratio were 21.91±6.23,145.60±26.82,457.11±81.63,3 957.48±1 171.65,4 300±1 445.11 mg/L; 114.02±4.87,233.86±23.39,718.05±100.98,6 347.62±2 023.12,8 527.43±1 291.39 mg/L; 16.58%±1.26%,30.79%±3.60%,55.98%±4.31%,67.70%±4.20%,75.44%±4.93%.There was significant difference in urine albumin and protein between positive groups and negative group except for trace positive group.There was significant difference in urine albumin/protein ratio between positive groups and negative group.②When ACR was lower than 30 mg/g,thecorrelation between protein dipstick test results and urine albumin and urine protein was poor(Spearman's correlation coefficient were 0.049 and 0.225,P=0.534,P<0.01.Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.684,P<0.01),while the correlation was better when ACR was above 30 mg/g(Spearman's correlation coefficient were 0.736 and 0.806,P<0.01.Pearson's correlation coefficient were 0.989,P<0.01).③There was significant difference in urine albumin/protein ratio between normal albuminuria,mild albuminuria and macro albuminuria(F=365.266,P<0.01).Conclusion It is hard for protein dipstick test to distinguish negative and trace protein urine.Urine albumin/protein ratio can be used to screen for high risk population.


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基金项目:北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养项目(NO.2015-3-052)。 作者简介:刘荣凤(1981-),女,硕士,医师,主要从事临床生化与免疫,Tel:15210467952,E-mail:aser1981@sina.com。 通讯作者:曾小莉,女,主任技师,E-mail:greatzxl@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-12-20