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Expression and Its Significance of microRNA-125b and microRNA-133b in Plasma in Children with Asthma
1671-7 414(2017)03-059-04
李 勇1高春彪2盛伟武1管华玲3
1 .高邮市中医医院检验科,江苏高邮 225600;
2.常州市儿童医院检验科,江苏常州 213000;
3.盐城市第一人民医院检验科,江 苏盐城,224005
LI Yong1GAO Chun-biao2SHENG Wei-wu1GUAN H ua-ling3
1.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Gaoyou Hosiptal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Gaoyou 225600,China;
2.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Children’s Hospital of Changzhou,Jiangsu Changzhou 213000,China;
3.Department of Clinical Laborat
目的 探讨miRNA-125b和miRNA-133b在支气管哮喘患儿中 表达水平及其辅助诊断价值。方法 纳入2016年1月~11月常州市儿 童医院、高邮市中医医院30例哮喘患儿,分别收集其急性发作期和稳定期血液标本(A P组,SP组)。同期匹配30例变应性鼻炎患儿(AR组)及30例健康儿童为对照(NC组)。应用实时 荧光定量PCR检测miRNA在各组中的表达水平并相互比较。应用ROC曲线及AUC(95%CI)评估其 作为哮喘诊断指标的诊断效能。结果 miRNA-125b在AP组及SP组中 的表达量较AR组升高,差异有统计学意义(t=3.913,3.120,P值均<0. 01)。miRNA -133b在AP组及AR组中的表达量较高,与NC组相比差异有统计学意义(t=4.426,4.720 ,P值均<0.01)。miRNA-125b在哮喘诊断中最佳临界值为1.998,敏感度为64.52%, 特异度为92.67%,AUC为0.798 9,95%CI为0.711 1~0.886 4;miRNA-133b在哮喘急性 期及变应性鼻炎等气道炎症性疾病发作期中诊断最佳临界值为1.667,敏感度为58.06%, 特异度为86.67%,AUC为0.727 4,95%CI为0.586 5~0.863 0。结论 〖HT5 ”K〗哮喘患儿中miRNA-125b表达量较NC组及AR组升高,miRNA-125b可作为哮喘辅助诊断 指标,miRNA-133b可用于气道炎症性疾病发作期的辅助诊断。
Objective To explore the diagnostic value of th e quantitative detection of plasma miRNA-125b and miRNA-133b in children with asthma.Methods Thirty asthmatic patients were enrolled i n this study and collected the blood specimens during acute phase and stable pha se respectively (AP group and SP group).Thirty allergic rhinitis children (AR g roup) and thirty healthy children were recruited to the control group (NC group) .The levels of miRNA in different groups were detected by qRT-PCR.The perform ance of miRNA-125b and miRNA-133b were evaluated by receiver operating charact eristic curves (ROC) and the area under the curve (AUC) (95%CI).Resu lts The relative expression of miRNA-125b in AP group and SP group were significantly higher than AR group (t=3.913,3.120,P<0.01),miRNA -133b.In AP group and AR group the expression of miRNA-133b were significantl y higher than control group (t=4.426,4.720,P<0.01).The detection of m iRNA-125b yielded an area under the curve of ROC of 0.7989,(95%CI:0.7111~ 0.8864) in discriminating asthmatic patients from healthy group. And the miRNA -133b was 0.7274 (95%CI:0.586 5~0.863 0) in discriminating asthmatic patie nts during the acute phase from healthy group.Conclusion 〖WT5”BZ 〗The relative expression of miRNA-125b in children with asthma was significant ly higher than that in AR group and NC group,miRNA-125b may prove to be a non -invasive biomarker for the auxiliary diagnosis of asthma especially when the r elative expression up to 1.998.


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作者简介:李 勇(1973-),男,大学本科,学士,副主任 技师,主要从事临床检验与研究,E-mail:59979133@qq.com。 高春彪(1971-),男,大学本科,学士,副主任技师,主要从事临床免疫学检验与研究,E-mail:gcb2007@sina.com,共同第一作者。
通讯作者:盛伟武(1962-),男,大学本科,副主任检验 师,主要从事临床检验与研究,E-mail:gysww@163.com。 管华玲(1974-),女,学士,副
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-25