[1]曹 玲.长链非编码RNA ZEB1-AS1在儿童脑肿瘤中表达及对化疗药物敏感性影响的实验研究[J].现代检验医学杂志,2019,34(05):84-88.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2019.05.021]
 CAO Ling.Experimental Study on the Expression Pattern of Long Non-Coding RNA ZEB1-AS1 and Its Effect on the Resistance of Chemotherapy on Childhood Brain Tumor[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2019,34(05):84-88.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2019.05.021]

长链非编码RNA ZEB1-AS1在儿童脑肿瘤中表达及对化疗药物敏感性影响的实验研究()




Experimental Study on the Expression Pattern of Long Non-Coding RNA ZEB1-AS1 and Its Effect on the Resistance of Chemotherapy on Childhood Brain Tumor
曹 玲
(榆林市第一医院新生儿病区,陕西榆林 719000)
CAO Ling
(Department of Neonatal,Yulin First Hospital,Shaanxi Yulin 719000,China)
儿童脑肿瘤 化疗 耐药 lnc-ZEB1-AS1
R739.91; R730.43
目的 探讨lnc-ZEB1-AS1在儿童脑肿瘤化疗耐药中的作用。方法 通过荧光定量PCR检测lnc-ZEB1-AS1在2016年1月~2018年9月收集于榆林市第一医院18例儿童脑肿瘤组织标本中的表达; 通过CCK-8实验检测lnc-ZEB1-AS1对脑肿瘤细胞增殖的影响; 通过Transwell实验检测其对迁移和侵袭的影响; 通过化疗药物干预检测其对化疗药物敏感性的影响。结果 lnc-ZEB1-AS1在儿童脑肿瘤中高表达(0.014 5±0.021 3 vs 0.002 0±0.003 1,P=0.034); 干扰lnc-ZEB1-AS1能够抑制脑肿瘤细胞增殖(P<0.05)、迁移93.4±6.7 vs 51.2±9.4(P<0.001)和侵袭64.1±6.3 vs 31.1±4.2(P<0.01); 干扰lnc-ZEB1-AS1后脑肿瘤细胞对化疗药物敏感性增加(P<0.05)。结论 lnc-ZEB1-AS1在儿童脑肿瘤中高表达,且干扰lnc-ZEB1-AS1后能够抑制脑肿瘤细胞增殖、转移和侵袭,并增加脑肿瘤细胞对化疗药物的敏感性。
Objective To detect the effect of lnc-ZEB1-AS1 on the sensibility of chemotherapy on childhood brain tumor.Methods Detected the relative expression level of lnc-ZEB1-AS1 in 18 childhood brain tumor patients witch collected between January 2016 and September 2018 in Yulin First Hospital with the real time PCR,detected the effect on the proliferation with CCK-8 assay,detected the effect on migratory and invasive ability with transwell assays,and detected the sensibility of the cancer cell line after knocking down of lnc-ZEB1-AS1.Results lnc-ZEB1-AS1 was upregulated in childhood brain tumor tissues(0.014 5±0.021 3 vs 0.002 0±0.003 1,P=0.034); knock down of lnc-ZEB1-AS1 inhibited the proliferation(P<0.05),migration(93.4±6.7 vs 51.2±9.4,P<0.001),and invasion(64.1±6.3 vs 31.1±4.2,P<0.01)ability of cancer cell line,knock down of lnc-ZEB1-AS1 increased the sensibility of cancer cell line(P<0.05).Conclusion lnc-ZEB1-AS1 was upregulated in childhood brain tumor,knock down of lnc-ZEB1-AS1 inhibited the proliferation,migration,and invasion abilities of brain tumor cell line,increased the sensibility of brain tumor cell line.


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作者简介:曹 玲(1983-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:新生儿,E-mail:caoling1983a@163.com。 曹 玲(榆林市第一医院新生儿病区,陕西榆林 719000)
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-10-20