 LI Qun-ying,ZHEN Shi-jian,HE Shu-guang,et al.Research on Correlation between Expression of Serum miR-153, miR-128bLevels and Non-motor Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson’s DiseaseDuring Treatment Period[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2021,36(05):120-123.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2021.05.027]





Research on Correlation between Expression of Serum miR-153, miR-128bLevels and Non-motor Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson’s DiseaseDuring Treatment Period
(湖南中医药高等专科学校附属第一医院检验科,湖南株洲 412000)
LI Qun-ying ZHEN Shi-jian HE Shu-guang CHEN Chao-ying
(Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Traditional Chinese Medical College, HunanZhuzhou 412000, China)
目的 观察并对比帕金森病患者不同治疗时期非运动症状[非运动症状评价量表(NMSS)]与血清微小RNA-153(miR-153)和微小RNA-128b(miR-128b)表达谱,并分析NMSS评分与miR-153和miR-128b之间的相关性,旨在为临床诸多帕金森病患者的非运动症状治疗提供新的干预靶点。方法 前瞻性研究,选取湖南中医药高等专科学校附属第一医院2018年1月~2019年10月期间收治的82例帕金森患者,对所有患者均进行有效追踪,患者分别于治疗前、治疗4,8和12周于该院门诊复查,采用NMSS量表评估患者非运动症状,并检测血清miR-153和miR-128b水平,采用双变量Pearson相关性检验与一般线性回归分析得到线性回归方程,检验血清miR-153和miR-128b对帕金森患者非运动症状的影响。结果 治疗前血清miR-153和miR-128b表达谱及NMSS评分>治疗4w>治疗8w>治疗12w,差异均有统计学意义(F=7.640,134.902,18.048,均P<0.05);经相关性分析得出:NMSS评分与血清miR-153和miR-128b表达谱均呈正相关(r=0.246,0.486,均P<0.001);经线性回归分析检验得到血清miR-153线性回归方程:Y=13.656+1.704X,血清miR-128b:Y=13.656+22.661X,帕金森患者血清miR-128b水平可能是患者非运动症状的影响因素(t=8.879,P<0.05)。结论 帕金森病患者血清miR-153和miR-128b表达谱与非运动症状密切相关,临床可通过监测并干预血清miR-153和miR-128b表达谱,以此缓解帕金森病患者非运动症状,提高患者预后。
Objective To observe and compare the expression profiles of non-motor symptoms [non-motor symptoms scale(NMSS)], serum microRNA-153 (miR-153) and microRNA-128b (miR-128b) in patients with Parkinson’s disease at differenttreatment periods, and analyze the correlation between the NMSS score and miR-153 and miR-128b, aiming to provide newintervention targets for the treatment of non-motor symptoms in many patients with Parkinson’s disease. Methods Aprospective study was performed, 82 patients with Parkinson’s disease admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of HunanTraditional Chinese Medicine College from January 2018 to October 2019 were selected, and all patients were effectivelytracked. The patients were reexamined in the outpatient department of the hospital before, at 4w, 8w and 12w of treatment, theNMSS scale was used to assess the symptoms of patients with non-motor symptoms, and detected serum miR-153, miR-128blevels, a bivariate Pearson correlation test and general linear regression analysis were used to obtain a linear regression equation,tested the effect of serum miR-153 and miR-128b on non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Results Theexpression profiles of serum miR-153 and miR-128b and NMSS score before treatment >at 4w >8w >12w of treatment, there wasa statistical significant difference (F=7.640, 134.902, 18.048, all P<0.05). The correlation analysis showed that the NMSS scorehad positive correlation with the expression profiles of serum miR-153 and miR-128b (r=0.246, 0.486, all P<0.001). The linearregression equation of serum miR-153 was obtained by linear regression analysis: Y=13.656+1.704X, serum miR-128b:Y=13.656+22.661X, and the level of serum miR-128b in patients with Parkinson’s disease might be the influencing factor of non-motor symptoms (P<0.05). Conclusion The expression profiles of serum miR-153 and miR-128b in patients withParkinson’s disease were closely related to non-motor symptoms. Clinically, the expression profiles of serum miR-153 and miR-128b can be monitored and intervened to relieve non-motor symptoms and improve prognosis in patients with Parkinson’sdisease.


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作者简介:李群英(1979-),女,硕士学历,主管技师,专业:临床检验技术,E-mail: oocp0236@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01