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Clinical Significance of Changes in NT-proBNP,Hcy and Partial Coagulation-Fibrinolytic Indexes with Acute Cerebral Infarction
1671 -7414(2017)03-089-03
王 禺李秀娥赵 曼赵 雅李 宁
西安市第 一医院检验科,西安 710002
Department of Clinical Laboratory,the First Hospital of Xi’an ,Xi’an 710002,China
目的 探讨B型脑钠钛前体(NT-proBNP)、同型半胱氨酸(Hc y)及部分凝血纤溶指标在急性脑梗死(ACI)患者中的检测意义。方法 〖HT5”K 〗选择2014年3月~2015年5月急诊科就诊的急性脑梗死患者40例(实验组)与同期健康体检者 40例(对照组)为研究对象,比较实验组和对照组血液中Hcy,NT-proBNP,APTT,PAI-1以 及t-PA各项指标的变化及治疗前后实验组患者各项指标的变化情况。结果 〖H T5”K〗实验组患者治疗前Hcy值为17.7±3.6 μmol/L,纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)值为29. 4±7.9 μmol/L,NT-proBNP值为3 212.8±2 511.4 ng/L以及纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂 (PAI-1)值为130.1±17.8 μmol/L,ATPP值为24.3±2.6 s。对照组Hcy值为7.2±2 2.1 μmol/L,t-PA值为15.1±3.7 μmol/L,NT-proBNP值为198.7±114.8 ng/L ,PAI-1值为67.8±7.9 μmol/L,APTT值为37.8±4.5 s。实验组治疗后Hcy值为12. 2±1.5 μmol/L,t-PA值为18.2±2.3 μmol/L,NT-proBNP值为348.7±194.8 n g/L,PAI-1值为78.6±9.8 μmol/L,APTT值为32.2±4.5 s。发现实验组APTT明显 短于治疗后及对照组,其余四个指标值实验组均明显高于治疗后及对照组,差异具有统计学 意义(P<0.05)。结论 Hcy,NT-proBNP,APTT,PAI-1和t-P A与急性脑梗死的发生发展有着密切联系,可以作为判断急性脑梗死患者病情变化及预后的 标志。
Objective To Analyze the examination meaning of b-type brain natriuretic peptide precursor (NT-proBNP),homocysteine and coag ulation-fibrinolysis indexes for patients with acute cerebral infarction.〖WT5 ”HZ〗Methods Selected 40 patients with acute cerebral infarction (e xperimental group) to hospital from March 2014 to May 2015 and 40 healthy check -up cases (control group).Then,compared the indicators in blood between the tw o groups of patients,namely homocysteine (Hcy),NT-proBNP,activated clotting time live enzymes enzyme (APTT),original activator inhibitory factor (PAI-1) a nd tissue-type fibrinolytic enzyme original activator (tPA).Meanwhile,also co mpared these indicators for the experimental group before and after treatment. Results Before treatment,the levels of Hcy,t-PA,NT-p roBNP,PAI-1 and ATPP for experiment group were 17.7±3.6 μmol/L,29.4±7. 9 μmol/L,3 212.8±2 511.4 ng/L,130.1±17.8 μmol/L and 37.8±4.5 s ,respectively.The levels of Hcy,t-PA,NT-proBNP,PAI-1 and ATPP for contro l group were 7.2±2.1 μmol/L,15.1±3.7 μmol/L,198.7±114.8 ng/L,67 .8±7.9 μmol/L and 37.8±4.5 s,respectively.After treatment,the levels of Hcy,t-PA,NT-proBNP,PAI-1 and ATPP for experiment group were 12.2±1. 5 μmol/L,18.2±2.3 μmol/L,348.7±194.8 ng/L,78.6±9.8 μmol/L and 32.2±4.5 s,respectively.Before treatment,the indicator of APTT for exper iment patients was significantly shorter than it after treatment and that of the control group.The other four indicators were significantly higher than them af ter treatment and those of the control group.The differences were statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion Hcy,NT-proBNP, APTT,PAI-1,and t-PA had closely relation with the occurrence of acute cerebr al infarction development,and they can be helpful to evaluate disease progressi on and predict prognosis for patients with acute cerebral infarction.


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作者简介:王 禺(1973-),女,研究生在读,副主 任检验师,主要研究领域:临床免疫诊断,E-mail:wangyu2064@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-25