 YOU Qing-qinga,YANG Hai-jiana,YANG Yub,et al.Correlation Analysis of Serum Lipids,CK,LDH and Course of Disease in Patients with Depression[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2019,34(01):79-82.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2019.01.020]





Correlation Analysis of Serum Lipids,CK,LDH and Course of Disease in Patients with Depression
1671- 7414(2019)01-079-04
(佛 山市第三人民医院a.检验科;b.精神科,广东佛山528041)
YOU Qing-qingaYANG Hai-jianaYANG YubZENG Hai-shena
( a .Department of Clinical Laboratory; b .Department of P sychiatry, the Third People’s Hospital of Foshan,Guangdong Foshan 528041,China)〖H S)
目的探讨抑郁症患者血清脂质、肌酸激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢 酶(LDH)与病程的相关性。方法选取2015年1月~2017年8月佛山市 第三人民医院收治的154例首发抑郁症患者作为研究组,另选取150例健康体检者作为对照组 ,检测所有研究对象的血清脂质、CK和LDH水平,统计分析抑郁症患者血清脂质、CK和LDH与 病程的相关性。结果与对照组相比,各抑郁症组TG水平均显著升高 ,轻度抑郁症组、中度抑郁症组及重度抑郁症组的TG水平依次增高,差异均有统计学意义( P <0.05)。各抑郁症组TC,CK和LDH水平均显著降低,轻度抑郁症组、中度抑郁症组及 重度抑郁症组的TC,CK和LDH水平分别依次降低,差异均有统计学意义( P <0.05)。与 对照组相比,其余各组TG,TC,CK和LDH水平统计方差值 F=15.38~77.2,均P <0.01 ,HDL-C和LDL-C水平统计方差值 F=0.27~0.43,均P >0.05。TG,TC,CK和LDH水平 为抑郁症独立危险因素。结论抑郁症患者血清血脂、CK,LDH水平 会发生改变,且与抑郁症病程相关。检测抑郁症患者血清血脂、CK,LDH水平有助于了解抑 郁症病情程度和发展情况,为临床抑郁症的检测与干预治疗提供重要依据。
Objective To explore the correlation between se rum lipids,creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and the course of disease in patients with depression.Methods 154 cases of first-episode depressive patients were selected from January 2015 to Augus t 2017,as the research group,and 150 cases of healthy volunteers in the same p e riod as the control group.Serum lipids,CK and LDH were measured in all subject s.The correlation between serum lipids,CK,LDH and the course of depression wa s analyzed statistically.Results Compared with the contr ol group,the levels of TG in each depression group were significantly higher.T he levels of TG in mild depression group,moderate depression group and severe d epression group were increased in turn.The differences were statistically signi ficant ( P <0.05).The levels of TC,CK and LDH in each depression group wer e significantly lower than that in the control group.The levels of TC,CK and L DH in mild depression group,moderate depression group and severe depression gro up were decreased in turn.The differences were statistically significant ( P <0.05).Compared with the control group,TG,TC,CK and LDH levels of statisti cal variance in the other groups were F=15.38~77.2,P <0.01,while HDL- C and LDL-C levels of statistical variance were F=0.27~0.43,P >0.05.T G,TC,CK and LDH levels were independent risk factors for depression.Conclusion The levels of serum lipids,CK and LDH in depressive pa tients would change and were related to the cou rse of depression.Detection of serum lipids,CK and LDH levels in patients with depression is so helpful to understand the degree and development of depression that can provide an important basis for the detection and intervention of clini cal depression.


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基金项目:佛山市卫生和计划生育委员会医学科研课题资助项目(项目编号:20 180137)。
作者简介:游青青(1980-),女,大学本科,主管技师,主要从事 临床生化与分子诊断学研究,E-mail:2157463872@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-02-28