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急性缺血性脑卒中患者血清Hcy,LncRNA CAI2 和ERCC1 表达水平与预测并发认知障碍的价值研究()




Serum Hcy, LncRNA CAI2 and ERCC1 Expression Levels in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and the Value of Predicting Cognitive Impairment
北京市平谷区医院神经内科, 北京 101200
SHI Qing-li JIA Jia-qi LI Xiu-yan CHEN Yi-fei GAO Yu-ping TAN Xiu-ge
Department of Neurology,Pinggu District Hospital of Beijing,Beijing 101200,China
急性缺血性脑卒中同型半胱氨酸长链非编码RNA CAI2核苷酸切除修复交叉互补基因1认知障碍
目的 分析急性缺血性脑卒中(acute ischemic stroke, AIS)患者血清同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy),长链非编码RNA CAI2(long-chain non-coding RNA CAI2,LncRNA CAI2)和核苷酸切除修复交叉互补基因1(excisionrepair cross-complementary gene 1,ERCC1)表达水平与预测并发认知障碍的价值。方法 回顾性分析北京市平谷区医院2018 年5 月~ 2020 年5 月收治的AIS 患者70 例作为研究组,AIS 并发认知障碍患者112 例作为AIS 并发认知障碍组,另外选取同期在北京市平谷区医院体检的健康者70 例作为对照组,采用全自动生化分析仪检测同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)水平,实时荧光定量法检测LncRNA CAI2 和ERCC1 表达量,分析三者在AIS 并发认知障碍中的表达及与病情严重程度的相关性。结果 与对照组相比,研究组和AIS 并发认知障碍组患者血清中Hcy(15.36±1.55μmol/L, 22.35±2.40μmol/L vs 9.58±0.99μmol/L)和LncRNA CAI2(1.62±0.18, 1.85±0.20 vs 1.11±0.15)表达升高,而ERCC1(0.91±0.08, 0.76±0.07 vs 1.26±0.14)表达降低,差异具有统计学意义(F=39.928 ~ 64.436,均P=0.001)。随着AIS 并发认知障碍严重程度的加重,Hcy(16.62±1.70μmol/L,18.75±1.86μmol/L,23.62±2.36μmol/L) 和LncRNA CAI2(1.75±0.17,1.82±0.19,1.91±0.20) 的表达逐渐升高, 而ERCC1(0.88±0.09,0.75±0.08 和0.67±0.07)的表达逐渐降低,差异具有统计学意义(F=5.119 ~ 20.827,均P=0.001)。将AIS 并发认知障碍发生作为因变量,将Hcy,LncRNA CAI2 和ERCC1 作为自变量纳入回归模型分析。结果显示,Hcy,LncRNACAI2 和ERCC1 表达水平为影响AIS 并发认知障碍严重程度因素(Wald χ2=12.636, 12.995, 11.542,均P < 0.05)。相关性分析显示Hcy 与LncRNA CAI2 呈正相关(r=0.577,P=0.001),而Hcy 与ERCC1 和LncRNA CAI2 与ERCC1 均呈负相关(r=-0.561,-0.511,均P=0.001)。ROC 曲线显示,与Hcy(OR=0.803,95%CI 0.657 ~ 0.948),LncRNACAI2(OR=0.845,95%CI=0.715~ 0.978)和ERCC1(OR=0.883,95%CI=0.773~ 0.992)单项诊断相比,三项联合(OR=0.933,95%CI=0.652 ~ 0.817)对AIS 并发认知障碍的预测价值较高(P=0.001)。结论 Hcy 和LncRNA CAI2 在AIS 并发认知障碍中表达升高,ERCC1 表达降低,且与患者疾病严重程度相关,并参与AIS 并发认知障碍的发展。临床可根据其表达水平评估此病。
Objective To analyse serum homocysteine (Hcy), long-chain non-coding RNA CAI2 (LncRNA CAI2) and nucleotide excision repair cross-complementary gene 1 (ERCC1) expression levels in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and predict value of concurrent cognitive impairment. Methods A retrospective analysis of 70 AIS patients admitted to Pinggu District Hospital of Beijing from May 2018 to May 2020 was used as the study group, 112 patients with AIS complicated with cognitive impairment were regarded as the AIS complicated cognitive impairment group,and in the same period, 70 healthy persons who underwent physical examination in Pinggu District Hospital of Beijing were selected as the control group. Automated biochemical analyzer was used to detect Hcy level, and real-time fluorescence quantitative method was used to detect the expression of LncRNA CAI2 and ERCC1,and analyzed the expression of the three in AIS complicated with cognitive impairment and their correlation with the severity of the disease. Results Compared with the control group,the expression of Hcy(15.36±1.55μmol/L 22.35±2.40μmol/L vs 9.58±0.99μmol/L), LncRNA CAI2(1.62±0.18 vs 1.85±0.20 vs 1.11±0.15)and ERCC1(0.91±0.08, 0.76±0.07 vs 1.26±0.14)in the study group and AIS complicated with cognitive impairment group were significantly higher,the differences were statistically significant(F=39.928 ~ 64.436, all P =0.001). With the aggravation of the severity of AIS complicated by cognitive impairment, the expression of Hcy (16.62±1.70μmol/L, 18.75±1.86μmol/L, 23.62±2.36μmol/L), LncRNA CAI2 (1.75±0.17, 1.82±0.19 and 1.91±0.20) gradually increased, and ERCC1 (0.88±0.09, 0.75±0.08, 0.67±0.07) gradually decreased,the differences were statistically significant (F=5.119 ~ 20.827, all P =0.001). Taking the occurrence of AIS complicated cognitive impairment as the dependent variable, Hcy, LncRNA CAI2, and ERCC1 as independent variables, were included in the regression model analysis. The results showed that the expression levels of Hcy, LncRNA CAI2 and ERCC1 were factors affecting the severity of AIS complicated cognitive impairment (Wald χ2=12.636, 12.995, 11.542, all P < 0.05). Correlation analysis showed that Hcy was positively correlated with LncRNA CAI2 (r=0.577, P =0.001),Hcy was negatively correlated with ERCC1 (r=-0.561, P =0.001),and LncRNA CAI2 was negatively correlated with ERCC1 (r=-0.511, P =0.001). The ROC curve showed that it was similar to the single diagnosis of Hcy (OR=0.803, 95%CI=0.657 ~ 0.948), LncRNA CAI2 (OR=0.845, 95%CI=0.715 ~ 0.978), and ERCC1 (OR=0.883, 95%CI=0.773 ~ 0.992). Compared with the three items (OR=0.933, 95%CI=0.652 ~ 0.817), the predictive value of AIS complicated by cognitive impairment was higher (P=0.001).Conclusion The expression of Hcy and LncRNA CAI2 was increased in AIS complicated with cognitive impairment, and the expression of ERCC1 was decreased, and it was related to the severity of the patient’s disease. They were involved in the development of AIS complicated with cognitive impairment,so the disease can be evaluated clinically based on their expression level.


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基金项目:北京市平谷区医院科研项目 (pgyy2018-05)。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01