[1]姜 波,王玉明,段 勇.肺癌组织中调控PUMA基因 的miRNA筛查和MiR-221表达差异研究[J].现代检验医学杂志,2015,30(01):15-18.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.01.005]
 JIANG Bo,WANG Yu-ming,DUAN Yong.Study on the Differential Expression of miRNA Screening and MiR-221 Regulates Apoptosis by Targeting PUMA Gene in Lung Cancer[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2015,30(01):15-18.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2015.01.005]

肺癌组织中调控PUMA基因 的miRNA筛查和MiR-221表达差异研究()




Study on the Differential Expression of miRNA Screening and MiR-221 Regulates Apoptosis by Targeting PUMA Gene in Lung Cancer
姜 波王玉明段 勇
昆明医科大学第一附属医院,昆明 650032
the First Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650032,China
肺癌 PUMA基因 MiR-221
R734.2; Q786
目的 肺癌组织中调控PUMA基因的miRNA筛查并比较MiR-221的表达差异。方法 收集肺癌组织和肺良性病变组织作为研究对象,利用生物学信息分析查询可能调控PUMA的miRNA,应用定制的试剂盒进行初步筛查,并检测miRNA-221在两种组织中的表达情况。结果 根据生物学数据库的分析共筛查出可能调节PUMA的miRNAs有96个; 初步筛查结果显示有10种miRNAs在肺癌组织中表达上调。miR-221进一步验证显示,在肺癌组织中和肺良性病变组织中表达差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),转移与非转移之间表达差异有统计学意义,但与病理组织类型无关。结论 肺癌组织中与PUMA基因相关的10种miRNAs表达上调,提示这些miRNA可能参与PUMA基因的表达调控及肺癌的发生发展有关。miRNA-221在肺癌组织中表达与是否转移有关。
Objective To investigate the identification ofMiR-221 regulates apoptosis by targeting PUMA in lung cancer.Methods The express levels of miRNAs that collected from lung cancer tissue and lung benign lesion were tested by the particular kid they made,analyzedthe correlation between individual miRNA.Results 96 possible regulated PUMA related miRNAs had been screened through the bioinformaticsdatabase,then customized it into the special kit to test the expression with real time fluorescent PCR.The results showed that 10 types miRNAs were up expression in lung cancer tissue,miRNA221 were selected for deep analyze.Results with rank sum test showed statistical significance(P<0.05)in lung cancer andpara cancer tissue.There were statistically significant differences in the expression between metastasis and nonmetastasis(P<0.05),but had nothing to do with the pathological types.Conclusion Real time fluorescent PCR test showed several types of PUMA related miRNAs up-expressed in tissue lung,which indicate miRNA have relationship with PUMA in gene express regulation and cancer generation and development.Pression situation and clinic pathological parameters.Expression of miRNA-221 in lung cancer was associated withtumor metastasis.


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作者简介:姜 波(1982-),女,硕士,主管检验师,研究方向:生物化学与分子生物学,Tel:18687114001,E-mail:0516ebase@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-01-30