[1]程 亮,王 静,高志华,等.哮喘儿童血清外泌体中miR-7-5p 表达水平与短期预后的相关性研究[J].现代检验医学杂志,2024,39(05):58-62.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2024.05.011]
 CHENG Liang,WANG Jing,GAO Zhihua,et al.Study on the Correlation between Serum Exosomal miR-7-5p Levels and Short-Term Prognostic Outcomes in Children with Asthma[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2024,39(05):58-62.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2024.05.011]

哮喘儿童血清外泌体中miR-7-5p 表达水平与短期预后的相关性研究()




Study on the Correlation between Serum Exosomal miR-7-5p Levels and Short-Term Prognostic Outcomes in Children with Asthma
程 亮1王 静2高志华1李一洁1张润春2
(1. 唐山职业技术学院附属医院儿科,河北唐山 063000;2. 唐山市妇幼保健院儿科,河北唐山 063000)
CHENG Liang1 WANG Jing2 GAO Zhihua1 LI Yijie1 ZHANG Runchun2
(1.Department of Pediatrics, Tangshan Vocational & Technical College Affiliated Hospital, Hebei Tangshan 063000, China;2.Department of Pediatrics,Tangshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hebei Tangshan 063000,China)
目的 分析哮喘儿童血清外泌体中微小RNA(microRNA,miR)-7-5p 表达水平与短期预后的关系。方法 选取2021 年10 月~ 2023 年5 月唐山职业技术学院附属医院的132 例哮喘儿童(哮喘组)和30 例健康儿童(对照组)作为研究对象。根据儿童哮喘控制测试结果将哮喘儿童分为预后不良组(n=41)和预后良好组(n=91)。比较各组的过敏史、用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)、呼出气一氧化氮(fractional exhaled nitric oxide,FeNO)和miR-7-5p 等水平。用Logistic 回归分析哮喘儿童短期预后的风险因素。用Kappa 检验、受试者工作特征(receiver operatingcharacteristic,ROC)曲线和平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAE)值评价各指标判断哮喘儿童短期预后的价值。结果 哮喘组的miR-7-5p[0.53(0.49,0.64)] 水平低于对照组[1.03(0.97,1.10)],差异具有统计学意义(Z=8.548,P < 0.001)。预后不良组的过敏史占比(68.29%)和FeNO[38(36,41)ppb] 水平高于预后良好组[46.15%,35(30,40)ppb],FVC[1.86(1.84,2.05)L] 和miR-7-5p[0.47(0.43,0.52)] 水平低于预后良好组[1.94(1.87,2.06)L,0.60(0.50,0.68)],差异具有统计学意义(χ2/Z=2.854 ~ 6.450,均P < 0.05)。多因素Logistic 回归分析结果显示,过敏史(OR=3.388,95%CI:1.328 ~ 8.643)和高FeNO(OR=1.161,95%CI:1.064 ~ 1.267)水平是哮喘儿童短期预后的独立危险因素(P < 0.01),高miR-7-5p(OR=0.090,95%CI:0.033 ~ 0.248)水平是哮喘儿童短期预后的独立保护因素(P < 0.01)。miR-7-5p+ 过敏史+FeNO 判断哮喘儿童短期预后的ROC 曲线下面积为0.904,大于miR-7-5p(0.851,Z=2.097,P=0.036)和过敏史+FeNO(0.726,Z=4.239,P < 0.001)。miR-7-5p+ 过敏史+FeNO 的Kappa 值为0.67,大于miR-7-5p(0.44)和过敏史+FeNO(0.41);MAE 值为0.022,小于miR-7-5p(0.067)和过敏史+FeNO(0.035)。结论 哮喘儿童血清外泌体中miR-7-5p 表达水平高与其短期预后良好有关。miR-7-5p,过敏史和FeNO 联合对哮喘儿童短期预后评估有一定价值。
Objective To analyze the relationship between serum exosomal microRNA (miR) -7-5p expression levels in children with asthma and their short-term prognosis. Methods A total of 132 asthmatic children (asthma group) and 30 healthy children (control group) from Tangshan Vocational & Technical College Affiliated Hospital between October 2021 and May 2023 were included as study subjects. These asthmatic children were categorized into a good prognosis group(n=91)and a poor prognosis group (n=41)based on their Childhood Asthma Control Test results. The levels of allergy history, forced vital capacity (FVC), fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), and miR-7-5p level among groups were compared, and logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify risk factors for the short-term prognosis of asthmatic children. The Kappa test, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and mean absolute error (MAE) value were used to evaluate indicators in predicting short-term prognosis in children with asthma. Results The level of miR-7-5p in the asthma group[0.53(0.49,0.64)] was lower than that in the control group [1.03(0.97,1.10)], with significant difference (Z=8.548, P<0.001). The poor prognosis group exhibited a higher proportion of allergy history(68.29%) and FeNO[38(36, 41) ppb] levels, and lower FVC [1.86(1.84, 2.05) L] and miR-7-5p levels [0.47(0.43, 0.52) ] compared to the good prognosis group[46.15%,35(30,40) ppb,1.94(1.87, 2.06) L,0.60(0.50, 0.68)], and the differences were significant (χ2/Z=2.854 ~ 6.450, all P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that a history of allergies (OR=3.388, 95% CI: 1.328 ~ 8.643, P=0.011) and high FeNO levels (OR=1.161, 95% CI: 1.064 ~ 1.267, P=0.001) were independent risk factors, while a high level of miR-7-5p (OR=0.090, 95% CI: 0.033 ~ 0.248, P<0.001) was an independent protective factor for the short-term prognosis of asthmatic children. The area under the ROC curve for miR-7-5p + allergy history + FeNO in predicting the short-term prognosis of asthmatic children was 0.851, which was higher than that for miR-7-5p alone (0.851, Z=2.097, P=0.036) and allergy history + FeNO (0.726, Z=4.239, P<0.001). The Kappa value for miR-7-5p + allergy history + FeNO was 0.67, which was higher than miR-7-5p (0.44) and allergy history + FeNO (0.41). The MAE for miR-7-5p + allergy history + FeNO was 0.022, which was lower than miR-7-5p alone (0.067) and the combination of allergy history + FeNO (0.035). Conclusion Elevated level of miR-7-5p in the serum exosomes of asthmatic children is linked to a favorable short-term prognosis. The combination of miR-7-5p, allergy history, and FeNO may have certain value in evaluating the short-term prognosis of asthmatic children.


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作者简介:程亮(1982-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:儿科疾病诊疗,E-mail: chengliang41223@163.com。
通讯作者:王静(1985-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:儿科疾病临床诊治,E-mail: wangjing_8505@163.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-15